Streaming data with Flask raise RuntimeError: working outsid,flaskruntimeerror,原问题:Streamin

原问题:Streaming data with Python and Flask我需要把这段代码做下改动,如下所示,但这段代码一直报错:raise RuntimeError: working outside of request context初看是因为 request 变量没有传到 ggg1() 函数里面去,我调试了好久也没找出原因。。。哪位同学能看懂啥原因的,解释下怎么改,以及为啥?先谢过了~


@app.route('/username', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    req =request    print req    print "111------------"  + req.method + "\n"    def ggg1(req):            print req  # the req not my pass into the req....            print "444------------" + req.method + "\n"            if req.method == 'POST':                    if request.form['username']:                            urlList = request.form['username'].splitlines()                            i = 0                            for url in urlList():                                    i += 1                                    resultStr = chkListPageContent(url, getUrlContent(url), "script")                                    print i, resultStr                                    yield i, resultStr    print req    print "222------------" + req.method + "\n"    return Response(stream_template('index.html', data=ggg1(req)))

