新浪微博cookies格式 与python里面http.cookies的bug?,pythonhttp.cookies,登录新浪微博时获取到co

登录新浪微博时获取到cookies的expires是Saturday, 06-Mar-2027 02:32:46 GMT;这样的格式,但是http.cookies库解析时expires的需要的格式是Sat, 06-Mar-2027 02:32:46 GMT;,使用的正则表达式如下:

_CookiePattern = re.compile(r"""    \s*                            # Optional whitespace at start of cookie    (?P<key>                       # Start of group 'key'    [""" + _LegalKeyChars + r"""]+?   # Any word of at least one letter    )                              # End of group 'key'    (                              # Optional group: there may not be a value.    \s*=\s*                          # Equal Sign    (?P<val>                         # Start of group 'val'    "(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"                  # Any doublequoted string    |                                  # or    \w{3},\s[\w\d\s-]{9,11}\s[\d:]{8}\sGMT  # Special case for "expires" attr    |                                  # or    [""" + _LegalValueChars + r"""]*      # Any word or empty string    )                                # End of group 'val'    )?                             # End of optional value group    \s*                            # Any number of spaces.    (\s+|;|$)                      # Ending either at space, semicolon, or EOS.    """, re.ASCII | re.VERBOSE)    # re.ASCII may be removed if safe.


应该是新浪写的就是 Sat 而浏览器显示会补全

