
我现在执行一个python脚本。例如 print 123。 然后运行。
在运行的过程中,我将 print 123 修改成 print 3333.
怎么样让这个python自动运行。 求解。


    config_evn = settings.get("config").split(".")[-1].lower()    if settings.get("debug") or config_evn == "debug":        # 检测py文件的变动, 自动reload新的代码, 无需重启服务器.        # 仅用于开发和测试阶段, 否则每次修改都重启Tornado服务.        instance = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()        tornado.autoreload.start(instance)        instance.start()    else:        tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()

flask里面也有类似的file reloader机制 可以参考

"""A file monitor and module reloader.Major part of the code is taken directly from the original "paste.reloader" module. I just created this stripped down version for one of my projects and wanted to share if anyone else is interested.**all credits goes to original authors @ Paste ** this like:..code-block:: Python    import pyreload    pyreload.install(verbose=True, poll_interval=1)Now this will watch for any changes in the files and will reload the corresponding module automatically, so there is no need to restart the python server."""import osimport impimport sysimport timeimport threadingdef install(verbose=True, poll_interval=1):    """    Install the reloading monitor.    """    mon = Monitor(verbose=verbose,poll_interval=poll_interval)    t = threading.Thread(target=mon.periodic_reload)    t.setDaemon(True)    t.start()class Monitor(object):    def __init__(self, verbose, poll_interval):        self.verbose = verbose;        self.module_mtimes = {}        self.poll_interval = poll_interval    def periodic_reload(self):        while True:            self.check_reload()            time.sleep(self.poll_interval)    def check_reload(self):        filenames = []        for module in sys.modules.values():            try:                filename = module.__file__            except (AttributeError, ImportError), exc:                continue            try:                stat = os.stat(filename)                if stat:                    mtime = stat.st_mtime                else:                    mtime = 0            except (OSError, IOError):                continue            if filename.endswith('.pyc') and os.path.exists(filename[:-1]):                mtime = max(os.stat(filename[:-1]).st_mtime, mtime)            elif filename.endswith('$py.class') and \                    os.path.exists(filename[:-9] + '.py'):                mtime = max(os.stat(filename[:-9] + '.py').st_mtime, mtime)            if not self.module_mtimes.has_key(filename):                self.module_mtimes[filename] = mtime            elif self.module_mtimes[filename] < mtime:                if self.verbose:                    print >> sys.stderr, (                        "pyreload: %s changed; reloading..." % filename)                try:                    imp.reload( module )                    if self.verbose:                        print >> sys.stderr, ("pyreload: reloaded: %s" % module.__name__ )                except Exception as e:                    if self.verbose:                        print >> sys.stderr, ("pyreload: reloaded: %s" % e.message )                    pass                del self.module_mtimes[filename]

