



内容只需一个string field,这个string里你可以存JSON,可以存XML,可以存YAML,甚至可以存一个Java class……


@Idprivate Long id;/** * Identifies the application that generated this message. * 标识生成此消息的应用程序 */private String appUrl;/** * The main text of the message. HTML attributes are allowed and are sanitized by the container. * 消息内容,可以是html格式的,但需要注意代码安全 */private String body;/** * The main text of the message as a message template. Specifies the message ID to use in the gadget xml. * 消息内容模板。在小工具XML中指定的消息ID */private String bodyId;/** * Identifies the messages collection IDs this message is contained in. * 标识的信息收集IDS此消息中包含的。 */private List<String> collectionIds;/** * Message ID, use for threaded comments/messages. Reference the sematics of the Atom Threading model defined in rfc4685. URLs should be mapped to Atom <link rel="type" .../> * 消息ID,用于螺纹评论/消息。参考语义学的Atom在rfc4685中定义的线程模型。 URL应该被映射到Atom<link rel="type".../> */private String inReplyTo;/** * Array of person IDs. * 收信人 */@Indexedprivate Long recipient;/** * Array of message ids. Reference the sematics of the Atom Threading model defined in rfc4685. URLs should be mapped to Atom <link rel="type" .../> * 回复的消息ID集合 */private List<String> replies;/** * Id of person who sent the message. * 发送人 */private String senderId;/** * 发送人, * 注意:与senderId可以相重,例如张三、李四关注了您,senderId为系统发送,而senders#key则为张三、李四 */private Map<Long, String> senders;/** * Status of the message. (NEW, READ, DELETED). * 消息状态:未读、已读、删除*/ Status status;/** * UTC time message was sent. * 消息发送时间 */private Date timeSent;/** * The title of the message. HTML attributes are allowed and are sanitized by the container. * 可以带Html格式的消息标题 */private String title;/** * The title of the message as a message template. Specifies the message ID to use in the gadget xml. * 消息标题模板。指定的消息ID中使用的小工具XML。 * 用于邮件提交 */private String titleId;/** * The type of the message. * 类型:邮件、通知、私信、公共消息(公告) */@Indexedprivate Type type;/** * Last update for this message. * 最后更新时间 */private Date updated;/** * List of related URLs for this message. Supported URL types include 'alternate', alternate for for this mailbox (text/html being the most common). * 此消息相关的URL列表。支持的URL类型包括备用,备用此邮箱(文本/ HTML是最常见的) */private List<Url> urls;



CREATE TABLE `user_notification` (  `id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `author_id` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `type` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '通知类型ID',  `title` char(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  `identify` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '应用的ID(比如文章的aid,新鲜事的tid)',  `extra_params` text NOT NULL COMMENT '附加参数',  `is_read` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否已读',  `is_ignore` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否忽略',  `create_at` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `create_date` date NOT NULL,  `update_at` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),  KEY `idx_read_updated` (`author_id`,`update_at`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT COMMENT='用户通知表';

