模拟时钟,,# coding=utf

# coding=utf8import sys, pygame, math, randomfrom pygame.locals import *from datetime import datetime, date, timedef print_text(font, x, y, text, color=(255,255,255)):    imgtext = font.render(text, True, color)    screen.blit(imgtext, (x,y))def wrap_angle(angle):    return abs(angle%360)# mainpygame.init()screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600,500))pygame.display.set_caption("CLOCK")font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)orange = 220,180,0white = 255,255,255yellow = 255,255,0pink = 255,100,100pos_x = 300pos_y = 250radius = 250angle = 360# repeating loopwhile True:    for event in pygame.event.get():        if event.type == QUIT:            sys.exit()    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()    if keys[K_ESCAPE]:        sys.exit()    screen.fill((0,0,100))    # draw circle    pygame.draw.circle(screen, white, (pos_x,pos_y), radius, 6)    # draw the clock number 1-12    for n in range(1,13):        angle = math.radians(n*(360/12)-90)        x = math.cos(angle)*(radius-20)-10        y = math.sin(angle)*(radius-20)-10        print_text(font, pos_x+x, pos_y+y, str(n))    # get the time of day    today = datetime.today()    hours = today.hour%12    minutes = today.minute    seconds = today.second    # draw the hours hand    hour_angle = wrap_angle(hours*(360/12)-90)    hour_angle = math.radians(hour_angle)    hour_x = math.cos(hour_angle)*(radius-80)    hour_y = math.sin(hour_angle)*(radius-80)    target = (pos_x+hour_x, pos_y+hour_y)    pygame.draw.line(screen, pink, (pos_x,pos_y), target, 12)    # draw the minutes hand    min_angle = wrap_angle(minutes*(360/60)-90)    min_angle = math.radians(min_angle)    min_x = math.cos(min_angle)*(radius-60)    min_y = math.sin(min_angle)*(radius-60)    target = (pos_x+min_x, pos_y+min_y)    pygame.draw.line(screen, orange, (pos_x,pos_y), target, 12)    # draw the seconds hand    sec_angle = wrap_angle(seconds*(360/60)-90)    sec_angle = math.radians(sec_angle)    sec_x = math.cos(sec_angle)*(radius-40)    sec_y = math.sin(sec_angle)*(radius-40)    target = (pos_x+sec_x, pos_y+sec_y)    pygame.draw.line(screen, yellow, (pos_x,pos_y), target, 12)    # draw the center    pygame.draw.circle(screen, white, (pos_x,pos_y), 20)    print_text(font, 0, 0, str(hours) + ":" + str(minutes) + ":" + str(seconds))    pygame.display.update()
