将华氏温度转换成摄氏温度,或者相反,华氏摄氏,#-*- charset

#-*- charset:utf-8 -*-#This program will follow users intention to convert F to C or the contraytypeNo = eval(input("Do you want to convert Fah to Cel or convert Cel to Fah,enter 1 for F to C,enter 2 for C to F:"))if typeNo == 1:    data = eval(input("Please enter your data:"))    c = (data - 32) * 5 / 9    print(data,"Fahrenheit to Celsius is:",round(c,1)," C")elif typeNo == 2:    data = eval(input("Please enter your data:"))    f = data * 9 / 5 + 32    print(data,"Celsius to Fahrenheit is:",round(f,1)," F")elif (typeNo != 1) and (typeNo != 2):    print("Input error!")
