抓取期货咨询供分析,抓取期货咨询,# encoding:u

# encoding:utf-8import sysreload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding("utf8")import urllib, urllib2from pprint import pprintfrom collections import Counter, OrderedDictfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupfrom jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoaderclass HexunQihuo(object):    def __init__(self):        self.all_href = []    def __get_max_index(self, soup):        listdh = soup.find('div', class_='listdh')        s1 = str(listdh).split('maxPage = ')[1]        s2 = s1.split(';')[0]        return int(s2)    def fetch_data(self, qtype, qname):        '''          qtype is in [industrynews, agriculturenews, nyzx]         # http://futures.hexun.com/industrynews/index.html') # 金属        # http://futures.hexun.com/agriculturenews/index.html') # 农副资讯         # http://futures.hexun.com/nyzx/index.html  # 能源资讯        '''        self.qtype = qtype        self.qname = qname        f = urllib.urlopen('http://futures.hexun.com/%s/index.html' % qtype) #        soup = BeautifulSoup(f.read(), 'html.parser')        keywd = qname.decode('utf-8')        temp01 = soup.find('div', class_='temp01')        content = temp01.select('li > a')        hrefs = [a['href'] +' '+ a.string for a in content if keywd in a.string]        self.all_href.extend(hrefs)        max_idx = self.__get_max_index(soup)        do_range = range(670, max_idx)[::-1]        for idx in do_range:            print idx            f = urllib.urlopen('http://futures.hexun.com/%s/index-%s.html' % (qtype, idx))            soup = BeautifulSoup(f.read(), 'html.parser')            temp01 = soup.find('div', class_='temp01')            content = temp01.select('li > a')            hrefs = [a['href'] +' '+ a.string for a in content if keywd in a.string]            self.all_href.extend(hrefs)        self.all_hrefstr = '\n'.join(self.all_href)        return self    def write_txt(self):        with open('file.txt', 'w') as ff:            ff.write(str(self.all_hrefstr))    def write_html(self):        # hexunqihuo 是py的文件名  在同级目录下建个templates文件夹        env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('hexunqihuo', 'templates'))        data = OrderedDict()        for href in self.all_href:            item = href.split(' ')            data[item[0]] = item[1]        template = env.get_template('template.html') # templates/template.html        html = template.render(data=data)        htmlfile = 'files/%s.html' % self.qname        with open(htmlfile, 'w') as ff:            ff.write(html)if __name__ == '__main__':    HexunQihuo().fetch_data('industrynews', u'螺纹钢').write_html()
