


登陆成功后,可以使用“save 相册地址”来保存该相册下的所有照片。





# coding utf-8import sysimport osimport reimport urllibimport urllib2import cookielibimport cmdimport jsonimport getpass# import simplejson as json   # < 2.6class RRAD():    def __init__(self):        # initialize the download dir.        self.download_dir = 'albums'        if not os.path.isdir(self.download_dir):            os.mkdir(self.download_dir)        # build the session        self.session = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookielib.CookieJar()))    # sign into renren.com    def signin(self):        username = raw_input('username: ')        password = getpass.getpass('password: ')        data = (            ('email', username),            ('password',password),            ('origURL',"<a href="http://www.renren.com/Home.do">http://www.renren.com/Home.do"),            ('domain',"renren.com"))        page = self.session.open('<a href="http://www.renren.com/PLogin.do">http://www.renren.com/PLogin.do', urllib.urlencode(data))        page.close()    def signout(self):        self.session.open('<a href="http://www.renren.com/Logout.do">http://www.renren.com/Logout.do')    # fetch source code by post    def do_post(self, url):        return self.session.open(url, {}).read()    # fetch source code by get    def do_get(self, url):        return self.session.open(url).read()    # get the album's photo links    def get_album_info(self, album_url):        photo_links = [] # photo links in all pages        album_name = album_url.split('/')[-1]        # fetching links page by page        content = self.do_get(album_url)        links = re.findall(r'<a.*href="(.*)" class="picture">', content)        if links:            photo_links.extend([re.sub(r'\\?.*$', '', link) for link in links])        return { 'album_name': album_name, 'photos': photo_links }    def get_photo_file(self, photo_url):        content = self.do_get(photo_url + '/large?xtype=album')        open('c:/c.txt', 'w').write(content)        match = re.search(r'<div id="large-con"(.*?)src="(?P<src>.*?)" class="photo"', content,                 flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE)        return match and match.group('src')    # download the photo into the given album directory     def save_photo_file(self, album_dir, photo_file):        try:            filename = photo_file.split('/')[-1]            f = open(os.path.join(album_dir, filename), 'wb')            f.write(self.session.open(photo_file).read())            f.close()            return True        except Exception, e:            return False    # download the album    def save_album(self, url):        album_url = re.sub(r'[\\?\\#].*$', '', url)        album_info = self.get_album_info(album_url)        # create the album directory if not exists        album_dir = os.path.join(self.download_dir, album_info['album_name'])        if not os.path.isdir(album_dir): os.mkdir(album_dir)        # download each photo into the album directory        print 'saving album to', album_dir        for i, link in enumerate(album_info['photos']):            print '(%d/%d) %s' % (i + 1, len(album_info['photos']), link),             try:                photo_file = self.get_photo_file(link)                self.save_photo_file(album_dir, photo_file)                print 'saved.'            except:                print 'failed.'        print 'all downloads completed.'class RRADCmd(cmd.Cmd):    def __init__(self):        cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)        self.intro = '''Renren Album Downloader V0.1=========================================author    : greatghoulemail     : greatghoul@gmail.comcopyright : <a href="http://www.g2w.me">http://www.g2w.me'''        self.prompt = '> '        self.rrad = RRAD()    def help_signin(self):        print '''Sign into renren.com        signin username password'''    def do_signin(self, null):        self.rrad.signin()    def help_save(self):        print '''Save the given album.        Example:            save <a href="http://photo.renren.com/photo/253423487/album-396516481">http://photo.renren.com/photo/253423487/album-396516481'''    def do_save(self, album_url):        self.rrad.save_album(album_url)    def help_exit(self):        print 'Quit the application.'    def do_exit(self, null):        sys.exit(0)if __name__ == '__main__':    rrad_cmd = RRADCmd()    rrad_cmd.cmdloop()#该片段来自于http://byrx.net
