Python3批量转换文本文件编码,,#-*- coding:

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-try:    from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector    IsAuto = Trueexcept  ImportError:    IsAuto = Falseimport osimport os.pathimport globdef Convert_Auto( filename,out_enc="utf-8" ):      ''' Re-encode text file with auto detec current encode. Need chardet Lib. Input Parameter:        filename: full path and file name, e.g. c:\\dir1\\file.txt        out_enc: new encode. Default as 'utf-8'Output Parameter        None'''    try:          f=open(filename,'rb')        b= b' '        u=UniversalDetector()        u.reset()        u.feed(b)        u.close()        f.close()        in_enc=u.result['encoding']        new_content=b.decode(in_enc, 'ignore')        f=open(filename, 'w', encoding=out_enc)        f.write(new_content)        f.close()        print ("Success: "+filename+" converted from "+ in_enc+" to "+out_enc +" !")    except IOError:         print ("Error: "+filename+" FAIL to converted from "+ in_enc+" to "+out_enc+" !" )def Convert_Manu( filename,in_enc='gbk', out_enc="utf-8" ):      ''' Re-encode text file with manual decide input text encode.Input Parameter:        filename: full path and file name, e.g. c:\\dir1\\file.txt        in_enc:  current encode. Default as 'gbk'        out_enc: new encode. Default as 'utf-8'Output Parameter        None'''    try:          print ("convert " + filename)        f=open(filename,'rb')        f.close()        new_content=b.decode(in_enc, 'ignore')        f=open(filename, 'w', encoding=out_enc)        f.write(new_content)        f.close()        print ("Success: "+filename+" converted from "+ in_enc+" to "+out_enc +" !")    except IOError:         print ("Error: "+filename+" FAIL to converted from "+ in_enc+" to "+out_enc+" !" )def explore(dir, IsLoopSubDIR=True):    '''Convert files encoding.    Input:          dir         : Current folder        IsLoopSubDIR:   True -- Include files in sub folder                        False-- Only include files in current folder    Output:        NONE    '''    if IsLoopSubDIR:        flist=getSubFileList(dir, '.txt')    else:        flist=getCurrFileList(dir, '.txt')    for fname in flist:        if IsAuto:            Convert_Auto(fname, 'utf-8')        else:            Convert_Manu(fname, 'gbk', 'utf-8')def getSubFileList(dir, suffix=''):    '''Get all file list with specified  suffix under current folder(Include sub folder)    Input:          dir     :   Current folder        suffix  :   default to blank, means select all files.    Output:        File list    '''    flist=[]    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):        for name in files:            if name.endswith(suffix):                flist.append(os.path.join(root,  name))    return flistdef getCurrFileList(dir, suffix=''):    '''Get all file list with specified suffix under current level folder    Input:          dir     :   Current folder        suffix  :   default to blank, means select all files.    Output:        File list    '''    if suffix=='':           files=glob.glob('*')    else:        files=glob.glob('*'+suffix)    flist=[]        for f in files:        flist.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f))    return flistdef main():      explore(os.getcwd(), True)if __name__ == "__main__":     main()  #该片段来自于
