

from pyDes import *##############################################################################               Examples                    ##############################################################################def _example_triple_des_():    from time import time    # Utility module    from binascii import unhexlify as unhex    # example shows triple-des encryption using the des class    print ("Example of triple DES encryption in default ECB mode (DES-EDE3)\n")    print ("Triple des using the des class (3 times)")    t = time()    k1 = des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1"))    k2 = des(unhex("1122334455667788"))    k3 = des(unhex("77661100DD223311"))    d = "Triple DES test string, to be encrypted and decrypted..."    print ("Key1:      %r" % k1.getKey())    print ("Key2:      %r" % k2.getKey())    print ("Key3:      %r" % k3.getKey())    print ("Data:      %r" % d)    e1 = k1.encrypt(d)    e2 = k2.decrypt(e1)    e3 = k3.encrypt(e2)    print ("Encrypted: %r" % e3)    d3 = k3.decrypt(e3)    d2 = k2.encrypt(d3)    d1 = k1.decrypt(d2)    print ("Decrypted: %r" % d1)    print ("DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8)))    print ("")    # Example below uses the triple-des class to achieve the same as above    print ("Now using triple des class")    t = time()    t1 = triple_des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1112233445566778877661100DD223311"))    print ("Key:       %r" % t1.getKey())    print ("Data:      %r" % d)    td1 = t1.encrypt(d)    print ("Encrypted: %r" % td1)    td2 = t1.decrypt(td1)    print ("Decrypted: %r" % td2)    print ("Triple DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8)))def _example_des_():    from time import time    # example of DES encrypting in CBC mode with the IV of "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"    print ("Example of DES encryption using CBC mode\n")    t = time()    k = des("DESCRYPT", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")    data = "DES encryption algorithm"    print ("Key      : %r" % k.getKey())    print ("Data     : %r" % data)    d = k.encrypt(data)    print ("Encrypted: %r" % d)    d = k.decrypt(d)    print ("Decrypted: %r" % d)    print ("DES time taken: %f (6 crypt operations)" % (time() - t))    print ("")def _filetest_():    from time import time    f = open("pyDes.py", "rb+")    d = f.read()    f.close()    t = time()    k = des("MyDESKey")    d = k.encrypt(d, " ")    f = open("pyDes.py.enc", "wb+")    f.write(d)    f.close()    d = k.decrypt(d, " ")    f = open("pyDes.py.dec", "wb+")    f.write(d)    f.close()    print ("DES file test time: %f" % (time() - t))def _profile_():    try:        import cProfile as profile    except:        import profile    profile.run('_fulltest_()')    #profile.run('_filetest_()')def _fulltest_():    # This should not produce any unexpected errors or exceptions    from time import time    from binascii import unhexlify as unhex    from binascii import hexlify as dohex    t = time()    data = "DES encryption algorithm".encode('ascii')    k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")    d = k.encrypt(data)    if k.decrypt(d) != data:        print ("Test 1:  Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 1:  Successful")    data = "Default string of text".encode('ascii')    k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")    d = k.encrypt(data, "*")    if k.decrypt(d, "*") != data:        print ("Test 2:  Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 2:  Successful")    data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii')    k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n")    d = k.encrypt(data, "*")    if k.decrypt(d, "*") != data:        print ("Test 3:  Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 3:  Successful")    k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n")    d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"), unhex("44"))    if k.decrypt(d, unhex("44")) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"):        print ("Test 4a: Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data")    elif k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB0408044"):        print ("Test 4b: Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data")    else:        print ("Test 4:  Successful")    data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii')    k = des("\r\n\tkey\r\n")    d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data:        print ("Test 5a: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    # Try same with padmode set on the class instance.    k = des("\r\n\tkey\r\n", padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    d = k.encrypt(data)    if k.decrypt(d) != data:        print ("Test 5b: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 5:  Successful")    k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543")    d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"))    if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"):        print ("Test 6:  Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data")    else:        print ("Test 6:  Successful")    k = triple_des("\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543")    d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"))    if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"):        print ("Test 7:  Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data")    else:        print ("Test 7:  Successful")    k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*54B", CBC, "12341234")    d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"))    if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"):        print ("Test 8:  Error: Triple DES CBC failed.")    else:        print ("Test 8:  Successful")    k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*54B", CBC, "12341234")    d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDC"), '.')    if k.decrypt(d, '.') != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDC"):        print ("Test 9:  Error: Triple DES CBC with padding failed.")    else:        print ("Test 9:  Successful")    k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey")    data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii')    d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data:        print ("Test 10: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 10: Successful")    k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey")    data = "String not need Padding.".encode('ascii')    d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data:        print ("Test 11: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 11: Successful")    # Test PAD_PKCS5 with CBC encryption mode.    k = des("IGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7")    data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii')    d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data:        print ("Test 12: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 12: Successful")    k = des("IGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7")    data = "String not need Padding.".encode('ascii')    d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data:        print ("Test 13: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 13: Successful")    k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7")    data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii')    d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data:        print ("Test 14: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 14: Successful")    k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7")    data = "String not need Padding.".encode('ascii')    d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data:        print ("Test 15: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 15: Successful")    k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7", padmode=PAD_PKCS5)    data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii')    d = k.encrypt(data)    if k.decrypt(d) != data:        print ("Test 16: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d)))    else:        print ("Test 16: Successful")    print ("")    print ("Total time taken: %f" % (time() - t))if __name__ == '__main__':    #_example_des_()    #_example_triple_des_()    _fulltest_()    #_filetest_()    #_profile_()
