python 中文分词——FMM算法,,[Python]代码im


import re   def PreProcess(sentence,edcode="utf-8"):       sentence = sentence.decode(edcode)       sentence=re.sub(u"[。,,!……!《》<>\"'::?\?、\|“”‘’;]"," ",sentence)       return sentence   def FMM(sentence,diction,result = [],maxwordLength = 4,edcode="utf-8"):       i = 0       sentence = PreProcess(sentence,edcode)       length = len(sentence)       while i < length:          # find the ascii word           tempi=i           tok=sentence[i:i+1]           while"[0-9A-Za-z\-\+#@_\.]{1}",tok)<>None:               i= i+1               tok=sentence[i:i+1]           if i-tempi>0:               result.append(sentence[tempi:i].lower().encode(edcode))          # find chinese word           left = len(sentence[i:])           if left == 1:               """go to 4 step over the FMM"""              """should we add the last one? Yes, if not blank"""              if sentence[i:] <> " ":                   result.append(sentence[i:].encode(edcode))               return result           m = min(left,maxwordLength)           for j in xrange(m,0,-1):               leftword = sentence[i:j+i].encode(edcode)           #   print leftword.decode(edcode)               if LookUp(leftword,diction):                  # find the left word in dictionary                  # it's the right one                   i = j+i                   result.append(leftword)                   break              elif j == 1:                   """only one word, add into result, if not blank"""                  if leftword.decode(edcode) <> " ":                       result.append(leftword)                   i = i+1               else:                   continue      return result   def LookUp(word,dictionary):       if dictionary.has_key(word):           return True       return False   def ConvertGBKtoUTF(sentence):       return sentence.decode('gbk').encode('utf-8')  


dictions = {}   dictions["ab"] = 1   dictions["cd"] = 2   dictions["abc"] = 1   dictions["ss"] = 1   dictions[ConvertGBKtoUTF("好的")] = 1   dictions[ConvertGBKtoUTF("真的")] = 1   sentence = "asdfa好的是这样吗vasdiw呀真的daf dasfiw asid是吗?"  s = FMM(ConvertGBKtoUTF(sentence),dictions)   for i in s:       print i.decode("utf-8")  


test = open("test.txt","r")   for line in test:       s = FMM(CovertGBKtoUTF(line),dictions)       for i in s:           print i.decode("utf-8")  
