

#coding=UTF-8'''Created on 2012-4-5@author: jackliu'''import sysimport osimport eyeD3import reimport urllibclass FileErrorException(Exception):    passclass RedApple:    def __init__(self):        passbaiduurl = 'http://mp3.baidu.com'mp3url = "http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&rf=idx&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=&rn=10&lm=-1&word=%s"resultlyrics_r = '<div class="item-lyric">.*?</div>.*?</div>.*?</div>.*?</div>'lyrics_info = '<span class="title_c">(.*?)</span>.*?<span class="title_c">.*?<a.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<div class="text-lyric-abstract.*?">(.*?)</div>'lyrics_info_r = re.compile(lyrics_info,re.I)next = '<a class=".*?next.*?".*?href="(.*?)">'next_r = re.compile(next,re.I)filetypelist = ['mp3','mP3','Mp3','MP3']class LyricsParser:    """    get lyrics from internet    """    __mp3Name = "" #音乐名称    __artist = ""  #演唱者    __lyrics = ""  #歌词    def __init__(self,mp3Name,artist):        self.__mp3Name = mp3Name        self.__artist = artist        self.__lyrics = ""    def parse(self):        next_url = mp3url % urllib.quote(self.__mp3Name.encode('gbk','ignore'))        while next_url is not None:            #print next_url            try:                mp3 = urllib.urlopen(next_url)            except:                next_url = None                continue            content = mp3.read();             content = content.decode('gbk','ignore');            content = re.sub('\n+',' ',content)            #获取歌词列表            result_lyrics= re.findall(resultlyrics_r,content)            match = next_r.search(content)            if match:                next_url = baiduurl+match.group(1)            else:                next_url = None            for lyric_info in result_lyrics:                lyric_info = re.sub("</?em>","",lyric_info)                match = lyrics_info_r.search(lyric_info)                # print lyric_info                if self.__checkLyric(match):                    return        #print 'no lyrics'    def __checkLyric(self,match):        if match:            #print match.group(1),match.group(2)            if match.group(1).strip() == self.__mp3Name: #如果歌名匹配                lyrics = None                if match.group(3): #存在歌词                    lyrics = re.sub("<br.*?>",'\n',match.group(3))                if match.group(2).strip() == self.__artist: #如果作者匹配                    if lyrics != None:                        self.__lyrics = lyrics                        return True                else: #不匹配作者                    if self.__lyrics == '': #如果当前歌词为空                        self.__lyrics = lyrics        return False    def getLyric(self):        return self.__lyricsdef main():    if len(sys.argv) == 1:        print("error: the command like redapple folder|file [folder|file]...")        print("       Pelease try again")        return;    totalMp3File = 0 #总的文件数    successDownload = 0 #成功下载歌词的文件数    for path in sys.argv[1:]:        if os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path):            (total,success) = download(path)            totalMp3File += total            successDownload += success        else: #不是文件目录也不是文件            print("error: %s is not a folder or file" % path)    print "Total: {0},success:{1}".format(totalMp3File,successDownload) def download(path):    filelist = []    success = 0    maxlen = 0    if os.path.isdir(path):        for file in os.listdir(path):            fullpathname = os.path.join(path,file)            if fullpathname[-3:] in filetypelist:                if maxlen < len(fullpathname):                    maxlen = len(fullpathname)                filelist.append(fullpathname)    else:        fullpathname = path        if fullpathname[-3:] in filetypelist:            filelist.append(fullpathname)    maxlen += 6    for file in filelist:        print u"正在处理:",file,(maxlen - len(file))*'.',        if downloadLyricsByID3V3(file) or downloadLyricsByFilename(file):            success += 1            print u"下载成功"        else:            print u"下载失败"    return len(filelist),success def downloadLyricsByID3V3(file):    tag = eyeD3.Tag()    tag.link(file)    tag.encoding = '\x01'    if tag.getLyrics() and len(tag.getLyrics()[0].lyrics):  #已经存在歌词        #print tag.getLyrics()[0].lyrics        return 1    else:  #不存在歌词,需要下载        artist = tag.getArtist()        title = re.sub("\(.*?\)",'',tag.getTitle())        lyricsParser = LyricsParser(title,artist)        lyricsParser.parse()        lyrics = unicode(lyricsParser.getLyric())        if len(lyrics) > 0 : #下载成功            tag.addLyrics(lyrics)            tag.update()            return 1        return 0def downloadLyricsByFilename(file):    tag = eyeD3.Tag()    tag.link(file)    tag.encoding = '\x01'    if tag.getLyrics() and len(tag.getLyrics()[0].lyrics):  #已经存在歌词        #print tag.getLyrics()[0].lyrics        return 1    else:  #不存在歌词,需要下载        filename = file[len(os.path.dirname(file))+1:]        artist,title =filename.rsplit('-',1)         artist = artist.strip()        title = title.strip()[:-4]        title = re.sub("\(.*?\)",'',title)        #print artist,title        lyricsParser = LyricsParser(title.decode('gbk'),artist.decode('gbk'))        lyricsParser.parse()        lyrics = unicode(lyricsParser.getLyric())        if len(lyrics) > 0 : #下载成功            tag.addLyrics(lyrics)            tag.update()            return 1        return 0if __name__ == '__main__':    main()
