


#coding=utf-8from _mysql import IntegrityErrorimport loggingimport tracebackimport MySQLdbimport datetime#========================数据库配置信息================HOST = ""USER = "root"PWD = "root"DB = "portal"#需要复制数据的表名称 (源表,目标表),运行时需检查数据库中是否已经存在这些表SOURCE_TARGET = [    ("details_cftaccountdetail", "idata_caccountdetail"),    ("details_cftdealdetail", "idata_cdealdetail"),    ("details_cftorderdetail", "idata_corderdetail"),    ("details_cftpositiondetail", "idata_cpositiondetail"),    ("details_cftpositionstatics", "idata_cpositionstatics"),]# 查询一次的最大数据量MAX_LIMIT = 10000#=====================logger 配置===================# 创建一个loggerlogger = logging.getLogger('mylogger')# 日志级别: logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.ERRORlogger.setLevel(logging.INFO)#禁止向控制台输出日志logger.disabled = 0# 创建一个handler,用于写入日志文件fh = logging.FileHandler('copy_data.log')fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)# 再创建一个handler,用于输出到控制台ch = logging.StreamHandler()ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)# 给logger添加handlerlogger.addHandler(fh)logger.addHandler(ch)# 主键分隔符KEY_SPLITTER = "____"# 表字段结构语句模板COLUMNS_SQL = "select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.columns where table_name='%s' AND \\                    TABLE_SCHEMA='ttmgrportal' order by COLUMN_NAME ASC;"# 插入语句模板INSERT_SQL = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)"def get_conn_and_cursor():    """获取数据库连接"""    conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=HOST, user=USER, passwd=PWD, db=DB, charset="utf8")    return conn, conn.cursor()def close_conn(cursor, conn):    """关闭数据库连接"""    try:        if conn and cursor:            cursor.close()            conn.close()    except Exception:        traceback.print_exc()def get_time():    """获取当前时间"""    return datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')class DetailClass(object):    def __init__(self, **kwargs):        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():            setattr(self, k, v)class IdataClass(object):    def __init__(self, table, columns, detail):        self.table = table        self.columns = columns        self.columns_str = ",".join(self.columns)        self.detail = detail        self.set_attrs()    def gen_idata_key(self):        """组装idata表的主键,由detail的 m_strTagKey + KEY_SPLITTER +m_strTradingDay 组成"""        if not self.detail:            return None        return str(getattr(self.detail, 'm_strTagKey', '')) + KEY_SPLITTER \\               + str(getattr(self.detail, 'm_strTradingDay', ''))    def set_attrs(self):        """设置Idata表字段的值,可以在里面添加对特殊字段的处理,如 brokerID"""        for col in self.columns:            key = getattr(self.detail, col, None)            if col == "m_priKey_tag":                key = self.gen_idata_key()                if not key:                    raise Exception("idata key gen error!!!!!!")            elif col == "m_strBrokerID":                key = getattr(self.detail, "m_nBrokerID", None)            setattr(self, col, key)    def insert_sql(self):        """创建insert sql"""        values = []        for col in self.columns:            val = getattr(self, col, None)            if val is None:                values.append("null")            else:                values.append("'%s'" % val)        values = ",".join(values)        sql = INSERT_SQL % (self.table, self.columns_str, values)        return sqlclass Main(object):    """复制数据的主类,对象调用copy_to_idata()即可实现复制"""    def __init__(self, conn, cursor, source_table, target_table):        """复制数据的主类初始化函数"""        self.conn, self.cursor = conn, cursor        self.source_table = ""        self.target_table = ""        self.source_table = source_table        self.target_table = target_table        self.source_columns = self.get_columns(self.source_table)        self.target_columns = self.get_columns(self.target_table)        self.query_columns = ",".join(self.source_columns)    def get_columns(self, table_name):        """获取某表的所有列名"""        self.cursor.execute(COLUMNS_SQL % table_name)        columns = []        for col, in self.cursor.fetchall():            columns.append(col)        return columns    def query_source(self, start, rows):        """        从源表中查询列的数据        start: 查询的开始        rows : 一次查询最大多少钱行数据        """        self.cursor.execute("select %s from %s order by id limit %d, %d" %                            (self.query_columns, self.source_table, start, rows))        source_datas = []        for row in self.cursor.fetchall():            source_datas.append(row)        return source_datas    def make_detail_instances(self, start, rows):        """将查询出的数据转换成DetailClass对象,并放进列表里"""        source_datas = self.query_source(start, rows)        detail_instances = []        for data in source_datas:            if data:                dc = DetailClass(**dict(zip(self.source_columns, data)))                detail_instances.append(dc)        return detail_instances    def count_total(self):        """统计表数据总数"""        self.cursor.execute("select count(id) from %s" % self.source_table)        num = self.cursor.fetchone()        return num[0]    def limits(self):        """查询的分段限制"""        total = self.count_total()        mo = total % MAX_LIMIT        li = [i * MAX_LIMIT for i in range(0, total / MAX_LIMIT)]        if mo != 0:            li.append(total / MAX_LIMIT * MAX_LIMIT)        return total, li    def copy_to_idata(self):        """主要方法"""        start_time = get_time()        logger.info("source_table: %s \\ntarget_table: %s\\nstart at %s" %                    (self.source_table, self.target_table, start_time))        total, limits = self.limits()        logger.info("total: %s " % int(total))        for p, start in enumerate(limits):            logger.info("%s. processing: %s --- %s, please wait....." % (p, start, start + MAX_LIMIT))            details = self.make_detail_instances(start, MAX_LIMIT)            for i, detail in enumerate(details):                idata = IdataClass(self.target_table, self.target_columns, detail)                sql = idata.insert_sql()                try:                    self.cursor.execute(sql)                    logger.debug("Success: %s, sql: %s" % (i, sql))                except IntegrityError, ie:                    logger.error("    Warning: Duplicate key 'PRIMARY, ignore this sql : %s " % sql)            self.conn.commit()        end_time = get_time()        logger.info("Done.....\\nsource_table: %s\\ntarget_table: %s\\nend at %s" %                    (self.source_table, self.target_table, end_time))if __name__ == "__main__":    conn, cursor, target_table = None, None, None    try:        conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor()        for source, target in SOURCE_TARGET:            target_table = target            m = Main(conn, cursor, source, target)            m.copy_to_idata()    except Exception, e:        traceback.print_exc()        if target_table and conn and cursor:            cursor.execute("truncate table %s" % target_table)    finally:        close_conn(conn, cursor)#该片段来自于http://byrx.net
