python编写的超简单端口转发程序,python编写端口转发,#tcp server

#tcp server  import socket  host = ''          #Local Server IP  host2 = ''   #Real Server IP  port = 6001 #Local Server Port  port2 = 7001 #Real Server Port  def ProcData(data):      return data      #add more code....  print "Map Server start from " + host + ":" + str(port) +" to " + host2 + ":" + str(port2) +"\r\n"  server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)  server.bind(('',port))  print " Server start at "+ str(port) +"\r\n"  client = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )  client.connect((host2,port2))  print host +" Client connect to " + host2 + ":"+str(port2)+"\n"  server.listen(5)  ss, addr = server.accept()  print 'got connected from',addr  while 1:      msg = ss.recv(20480)      print "Get:"+repr(msg)+"\r\n"      client.send(msg)      #print "Client send data %s to "%repr(msg)      buf=client.recv(20480)      #print "Client recv data %s from "%repr(buf)      ss.send(buf)      print "Send:"+repr(buf)+"\r\n"  
