在Python中的高斯 - 赛德尔方法,python赛德尔,''' x,numIte

''' x,numIter,omega = gaussSeidel(iterEqs,x,tol = 1.0e-9)    Gauss-Seidel method for solving [A]{x} = {b}.    The matrix [A] should be sparse. User must supply the    function iterEqs(x,omega) that returns the improved {x},    given the current {x} ('omega' is the relaxation factor).'''from numpy import dotfrom math import sqrtdef gaussSeidel(iterEqs,x,tol = 1.0e-9):    omega = 1.0    k = 10    p = 1    for i in range(1,501):        xOld = x.copy()        x = iterEqs(x,omega)        dx = sqrt(dot(x-xOld,x-xOld))        if dx < tol: return x,i,omega      # Compute relaxation factor after k+p iterations        if i == k: dx1 = dx        if i == k + p:            dx2 = dx            omega = 2.0/(1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - (dx2/dx1)**(1.0/p)))    print 'Gauss-Seidel failed to converge'
