Python BMP2JPG的改版,pythonbmp2jpg改版,# -*- coding

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Python Script# TO:#     a script used to convert BMP files in current#     directory to JPG files and save the JPG files#     in a new directory named JPG#     此脚本用来把当前目录下的bmp文件转换为jpg文件#-----------------------------------------------------# BY: #     s91     2006.2.14#     2006.8.12 修改 添加信息显示,更改文件夹名#-----------------------------------------------------# PS:#     to use this script you must have pil installed#     URL:<a href="">     and i don't know much about python and programming#     maybe these is something wrong that i don't konw#-----------------------------------------------------import os, sysimport Imageimport timeimport threadingfrom random import randintdef delay():    print " "flag = 0filenames = os.listdir(os.curdir)t = time.localtime(time.time())st = time.strftime("%I%M%S",t)rand = randint(1,9)name = "JPG"+st+str(rand)try :    os.mkdir(name)except:    print '创建文件夹错误'else:    if len(filenames)>4:        for filename in filenames:            if filename[-4:] == ".bmp":      "/"+filename[:-4]+".jpg")                flag = flag+1;if flag == 0:    os.rmdir(name)    print "\\\\=-----------------------------------=/"    print "|        NO BMPS CONVERTED            |"    print "|        BMP2JPG create by s91        |"    print "|        |"    print "/=-----------------------------------=\\\\"else:    print "\\\\=-----------------------------------=/"    s="|        "+str(flag)+" BMPS CONVERTED             |"    print s    print "|        BMP2JPG create by s91        |"    print "|        |"    print "/=-----------------------------------=\\\\"d = threading.Timer(5,delay)d.start()#该片段来自于
