生成Chaos风格的PhotoMosaic效果,chaosphotomosaic,platform: li

platform: linux python2.7

Dependency: PIL

Waring: EXPERIMENTAL, may damage your photo files, so try it in a new experimental directory!
Demo: https://1a1rrq.sn2.livefilestore.com/y1p7DQkSgKd5dLtkOiUXpx6ACTajjZYAMtiwrPn3jkW3AzQrvwl9Ao76dCvM6bLWoa8nBKIxqQzGlXC1_ARqTVU2XJgVTkOjaCG/xxx.png?psid=1

More refer to http://reverland.org/python/2013/02/19/yet-another-photomosaic-generator/ or https://github.com/reverland/scripts/blob/master/python/yapmg.py

#! /bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''YAPMG -- Yet Another PhotoMosaic Generator written in Python'''import Imageimport ImageOpsimport osimport randomimport ImageStatimport cPickle as p__author__ = "Reverland (lhtlyy@gmail.com)"def add_frame(image):    '''Add frame for image.'''    im = ImageOps.expand(image, border=int(0.01 * max(image.size)), fill=0xffffff)    return imdef rotate_image(image, degree):    '''Rotate images for specific degree. Expand to show all'''    if image.mode != 'RGBA':        image = image.convert('RGBA')    im = image.rotate(degree, expand=1)    return imdef drop_shadow(image, offset, border=0, shadow_color=0x444444):    """Add shadows for image"""    # Caclulate size    fullWidth = image.size[0] + abs(offset[0]) + 2 * border    fullHeight = image.size[1] + abs(offset[1]) + 2 * border    # Create shadow, hardcode color    shadow = Image.new('RGBA', (fullWidth, fullHeight), (0, 0, 0))    # Place the shadow, with required offset    shadowLeft = border + max(offset[0], 0)  # if <0, push the rest of the image right    shadowTop = border + max(offset[1], 0)  # if <0, push the rest of the image down    shadow.paste(shadow_color, [shadowLeft, shadowTop, shadowLeft + image.size[0], shadowTop + image.size[1]])    shadow_mask = shadow.convert("L")    # Paste the original image on top of the shadow    imgLeft = border - min(offset[0], 0)  # if the shadow offset was <0, push right    imgTop = border - min(offset[1], 0)  # if the shadow offset was <0, push down    shadow.putalpha(shadow_mask)    shadow.paste(image, (imgLeft, imgTop))    return shadowdef process_image(filename, newname):    '''convert image to png to support transparency'''    if filename.split('.')[-1] != 'png':        im = Image.open(filename)        im.save(newname + '.png')        print "processing image file %s" % filename    return 1def process_directory(path):    os.chdir(path)    count = 1    for filename in os.listdir(path):        ext = filename.split('.')[-1]        if ext == 'jpeg' or ext == 'jpg':            process_image(filename, str(count))            os.remove(filename)            count += 1    return 1def thumbnail(im, size):    """thumnail the image"""    im.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)    return im# Just for fundef chao_image(path, size=(800, 800), thumbnail_size=(50, 50), shadow_offset=(10, 10), backgroud_color=0xffffff):    image_all = Image.new('RGB', size, backgroud_color)    for image in os.listdir(path):        if image.split('.')[-1] == 'png':            im = Image.open(image)            degree = random.randint(-30, 30)            im = thumbnail(rotate_image(drop_shadow(add_frame(im), shadow_offset), degree), thumbnail_size)            image_all.paste(im, (random.randint(-thumbnail_size[0], size[0]), random.randint(-thumbnail_size[1], size[1])), im)    return image_all## May not usefuldef rgb2xyz(im):    """rgb to xyz"""    rgb2xyz = (0.412453, 0.357580, 0.180423, 0, 0.212671, 0.715160, 0.072169, 0, 0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227, 0)    out = im.convert("RGB", rgb2xyz)    return outdef average_image(im):    """return average (r,g,b) for image"""    color_vector = [int(x) for x in ImageStat.Stat(im).mean]    return color_vectordef compare_vectors(v1, v2):    """compare image1 and image2, return relations"""    if len(v1) == len(v2):        distance = 0        for i in xrange(len(v1)):            distance += (v1[i] - v2[i]) ** 2        return distance    else:        print "vector not match in dimensions"#for r, g, b in list(im.getdata())def tile_dict(path):    """Return list of average (R,G,B) for image in this path as dict."""    dic = {}    for image in os.listdir(path):        if image.split('.')[-1] == 'png':            try:                im = Image.open(image)            except:                print "image file %s cannot open" % image                continue            if im.mode != 'RGB':                im = im.convert('RGB')            dic[image] = average_image(im)    return dicdef thumbnail_background(im, scale):    """thumbnail backgroud image"""    newsize = im.size[0] / scale, im.size[1] / scale    im.thumbnail(newsize)    print 'thumbnail size and the number of tiles %d X %d' % im.size    return im.sizedef find_similar(lst, dic):    """for lst([R, G, B], Calculate which key-value in dic has the most similarity.Return first 10)"""    similar = {}    for k, v in dic.items():        similar[k] = compare_vectors(v, lst)        # if len(v) != len(lst):        #     print v, len(v), lst, len(lst)    similar = [(v, k) for k, v in similar.items()]  # Not good, lost the same Score    similar.sort()    return similar[:10]def get_image_list(im, dic):    """receive a thumbnail image and a dict of image to be mosaic, return tiles(filename) in order(as a list)"""    lst = list(im.getdata())    tiles = []    for i in range(len(lst)):        #print find_similar(lst[i], dic)[random.randrange(10)][1]        tiles.append(find_similar(lst[i], dic)[random.randrange(10)][1])    return tilesdef paste_chaos(image, tiles, size, shadow_off_set=(30, 30)):    """size is thumbnail of backgroud size that is how many tiles per line and row"""    # image_all = Image.new('RGB', image.size, 0xffffff)    image_all = image    lst = range(len(tiles))    random.shuffle(lst)    fragment_size = (image.size[0] / size[0], image.size[1] / size[1])    print 'tiles size %d X %d' % fragment_size    print 'number of tiles one iteration: %d' % len(lst)    for i in lst:        im = Image.open(tiles[i])        degree = random.randint(-20, 20)        im = thumbnail(rotate_image(drop_shadow(add_frame(im), shadow_off_set), degree), (fragment_size[0] * 3 / 2, fragment_size[1] * 3 / 2))        x = i % size[0] * fragment_size[0] + random.randrange(-fragment_size[0] / 2, fragment_size[0] / 2)        y = i / size[0] * fragment_size[1] + random.randrange(-fragment_size[1] / 2, fragment_size[1] / 2)        # print x, y        image_all.paste(im, (x, y), im)    return image_alldef main(filename, n, scale, iteration, path='./'):    # 0. select an big image for mosaic    print "open %s" % filename    im = Image.open(filename)    # 1. process image as png to support transparency    print "process directory %s" % path    process_directory(path)    # 2. get a dict for path    print "get tile dict for path `%s`" % path    try:        with open('dic.txt', 'r') as f:            dic = p.load(f)    except:        dic = tile_dict(path)        with open('dic.txt', 'wb') as f:            p.dump(dic, f)    # 3. thumbnail the big image for compare    print "thumbnail background for compare"    # n = 30  # 原始图片缩为多少分之一    # scale = 3  # 原始图片放大倍数    big_size = im.size[0] * scale, im.size[1] * scale    im_chao = Image.new('RGB', big_size, 0xffffff)    imb_t_size = thumbnail_background(im, n)    print "how may tiles: %d X %d" % imb_t_size    print 'number of iterations: %d' % iteration    for i in range(iteration):        print 'iteration: %d' % (i + 1)        # 4. get a list of smail image for mosaic        print "get pic list"        im_tiles = get_image_list(im, dic)        # 5. paste in chaos style        print "generate final image"        im_chao = paste_chaos(im_chao, im_tiles, imb_t_size)    return im_chaoif __name__ == '__main__':    im = main('../mm.jpg', 15, 5, 2)    im.save('../final3.png')    im.show()#该片段来自于http://byrx.net
