
#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom heapq import *from threading import Timerimport threadingimport uuidimport timeimport datetimeimport sysimport mathglobal TimerStampglobal TimerTimesclass CancelFail(Exception):    passclass Slot(object):    def __init__(self, period=0, interval=1, function=None, args=[], kwargs={}):        self.period = period        self.pc = 0        self.interval = interval        self.fire = 0        self.id = uuid.uuid1()        self.function = function        self.args = args        self.kwargs = kwargs#system resolution millisecond         class NewTimer(object):    #set enough time make thread sleep, when NewTimer empty set enoug time, too    #make sure sum of your timer call back function execute time shorter than resolution    #todo use a worker thread to operate timer call back function    def __init__(self, resolution=1000):        global TimerStamp        TimerStamp = int(time.time() * 1000)        self.nofire = sys.maxint #next fire time interval        self.firestamp = self.nofire + TimerStamp        self.resolution = resolution# 1s        self.lock = threading.RLock()        self.wait = dict()        self.ready = dict()        self._start()    """ private operate ready list """    def _addToReadyList(self, slot, firestamp):        box = dict( [ (slot.id, slot)])        if not self.ready.has_key( firestamp ):            self.ready.update( [(firestamp, box)] )        else:            boxs = self.ready.get(firestamp)            boxs.update( box )    def _delFromReadyList(self, slot):        boxs = self.ready.get(slot.fire)        try:            box = boxs.pop(slot.id)            if not boxs:                self.ready.pop(slot.fire)        except (AttributeError, KeyError):            raise CancelFail    """ inside """    def _start(self):        global TimerStamp        try:            self.firestamp = sorted( self.ready.keys() )[0]            stamp = float((TimerStamp + self.firestamp - int(time.time()*1000)))/1000        except IndexError:            self.firestamp = self.nofire            stamp = self.nofire        try:            self.timer.cancel()        except AttributeError:            pass        self.timer = Timer( stamp, self.hander)        self.timer.start()    def hander(self, *args, **kwargs):        """ find time arrive slot, do it function """        self.lock.acquire()        try:            boxs = self.ready.pop( self.firestamp )            slots = boxs.values()        except KeyError:            slots = []        for slot in slots:            if slot.period:                slot.pc += 1                if slot.pc != slot.period:                    slot.fire = slot.interval + slot.fire                    self._addToReadyList(slot, slot.fire)            elif slot.period == -1:                slot.fire = slot.interval + slot.fire                self._addToReadyList(slot, slot.fire)        """ """        self._start()        self.lock.release()        for slot in slots:            try:                slot.function(slot.args, slot.kwargs)            except Exception:                print "slot id %s, timer function fail" % slot.id    """ operate new timer manager itself """    def stop(self):        self.timer.cancel()    """ new timer manager """    def add(self, period=0, interval=1, function=None, args=[], kwargs={}):        """        period: one time = 0, times = >0, always = -1        interval: timer fire relative TimerReference        function: when timer fire, call back function        args,kwargs: callback function args        """        interval = int(interval) * self.resolution#seconds        if interval < self.resolution:            interval = self.resolution        slot = Slot( period, interval, function, *args, **kwargs )        box = dict([(slot.id, slot)])        self.wait.update(box)        return slot    def remove(self, slot):        if isinstance(slot, Slot):            self.cancel(slot)            try:                self.wait.pop(slot.id)            except KeyError:                print "wait dict not has the cancel timer"    """ timer api """    def reset(self, slot):        if isinstance(slot, Slot):            self.cancel(slot)            slot.pc = 0            self.start(slot)    def start(self, slot):        def NewTimerStamp(timebase, resolution):            nowoffset = int(time.time() * 1000) - timebase            if nowoffset % resolution < resolution / 10:                currentstamp =  nowoffset / resolution            else:                currentstamp = (nowoffset + resolution - 1) / resolution            return currentstamp * 1000        global TimerStamp        if isinstance(slot, Slot):            firestamp = slot.interval + NewTimerStamp(TimerStamp, self.resolution)            slot.fire = firestamp            self.lock.acquire()            self._addToReadyList(slot, firestamp)            if self.firestamp > slot.fire:                self._start()            self.lock.release()    def cancel(self, slot):        if isinstance(slot, Slot):            try:                  self.lock.acquire()                self._delFromReadyList(slot)                self._start()                self.lock.release()            except CancelFail:                self.lock.release()def hello( *args, **kargs):    print args[0], datetime.datetime.now()if __name__ == "__main__":    print "start test timer", datetime.datetime.now()    nt = NewTimer(500)    t0 = nt.add( -1, 5, hello, [0])    t1 = nt.add( 4, 7, hello, [1])    t2 = nt.add( 1, 3, hello, [2])#    t3 = nt.add( 1, 4, hello, [3])#    t4 = nt.add( 4, 5, hello, [4])    t5 = nt.add( 12, 5, hello, [5])#    t6 = nt.add( 9, 7, hello, [6])    t7 = nt.add( 1, 8, hello, [7])#    t8 = nt.add( 40, 1, hello, [8])    nt.start( t0 )    nt.start( t1 )    nt.start( t2 )#    nt.start( t3 )#    nt.start( t4 )    nt.start( t5 )#    nt.start( t6 )    nt.start( t7 )#    nt.start( t8 )    nt.cancel(t2)    nt.cancel(t3)    nt.remove(t5)    nt.remove(t3)    time.sleep(3)    nt.start(t2)    nt.cancel(t8)    time.sleep(300)    nt.stop()    print "finish test timer", datetime.datetime.now()#该片段来自于http://byrx.net
