,, python 智能扫描网址备份 危险文件 目录脚本

#===============================================================================# Id :cutescan.y#===============================================================================import sys, urllib2, time, os , Queue, msvcrt, threading,refrom json import scannerdef cslogo():    print ''',--^----------,--------,-----,-------^--,| ||||||||| `--------' | O ..`+---------------------------^----------|`\\_,-------, ___@ PlayWeb ______|/ XXXXXX /`| // XXXXXX / `\\ // XXXXXX /\\______(/ XXXXXX // XXXXXX /(________( For example:`------''''# show messagedef msg(text, type=0):    if type == 0:       str_def = "[*]"    elif type == 1:       str_def = "[+]"    else:       str_def = "[-]";    print str_def + text;# readfile to arraydef file_to_arr(file):    arr=[]    f = open(file)    for line in f:      arr.append(line.strip())    return arrclass ThreadGetKey(threading.Thread):    def run(self):        try:            chr = msvcrt.getch()            if chr == 'q':                print "stopped by your action ( q )"                os._exit(1)        except:            os._exit(1)def cutescan(host):    msg("Cutescan :" + host)    path_list1 = file_to_arr("data\\\\path1.txt")    path_list2 = file_to_arr("data\\\\path2.txt")    suffix_list= file_to_arr("data\\\\suffix.txt")    # Compile the dictionary    path_list1+=compile_domain(host)    global file_queue    global path_list    global url_list    global g_error_page_size    path_list = []    url_list=[]    file_queue = Queue.Queue()    g_error_page_size=error_page_szie("http://"+host)    for path2 in path_list2 :          if len(path2) > 0:             path_list.append(path2)          for path1 in path_list1 :           path_list.append(path1 + path2 );    #print path_list    scandir("http://" + host+"/")    url_list.insert(0,"http://" + host+"/")    for url in url_list:      for path in path_list :        for suffix in suffix_list :            file_queue.put(url + path+"." + suffix)    msg("Target:%s %d available path found %d url list compiled " % (host,len(url_list),file_queue.qsize()),1)    for i in range(30):          Scaner().start()def scandir(curl):    for path in path_list :      url = curl + path + "/"      #msg(url)      try:          r = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=10)          size = dict(r.headers).get('content-length', 0)          if g_error_page_size != size :           msg("Path:" + url + " --->%d" % r.getcode(), 1);           url_list.append(url)           #scandir(url+"/") # Recursive fuzz path          else :              continue      except urllib2.HTTPError as hr:            # msg("Path:"+url+" --->%d" % hr.code,2);            if(hr.code == 403) :                url_list.append(url)                scandir(url+"/")            continue# compile domain to path_list exp : => ['', '', 'pentest', 'yaseng']def compile_domain(domain):  path_list = []  url_re = re.compile('.(com|net|org|cc|gov|edu|cn|me|info|hk|tv|asia).*') # top domain ....;  if rq is None :      return []  ret = url_re.sub('', domain)  domain_arr = ret.split('.')  path_list.append(domain)  domain_len=len(domain_arr)  if domain_len > 0 :    if domain_len > 1 :      path_list.append(domain_arr[domain_len-1]    path_list+=domain_arr  return path_listdef error_page_szie(domain):   try:    ret=urllib2.urlopen(domain+"/cutescan9527.html", timeout=10)   except :       return 0   return dict(ret.headers).get('content-length', 0)class Scaner(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self):      threading.Thread.__init__(self)    def run(self):      while 1:         if file_queue.empty() == True:             break         url = str(file_queue.get())         rfile=""         try:          #msg(url)          rfile = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=10)          size = dict(rfile.headers).get('content-length', 0)          if g_error_page_size != size :           msg("File %s found !!! Type:%s Size: %.4f m" % (url, rfile.headers['Content-Type'], float(size) / (1024 * 1024)) , 1);          else :              continue         except :            continueif __name__ == '__main__':   cslogo()   if len(sys.argv) > 1 :     site_arr=file_to_arr(sys.argv[1]);   for site in site_arr :       try :           urllib2.urlopen("http://"+site, timeout=10)           cutescan(site)       except :                msg(site+" look unavailable ")           continue#该片段来自于
