python scp备份文件,pythonscp备份,#!/usr/bin/e

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport MySQLdbimport osimport pexpectdef conn_to_mysql():    """Make a Connection to the mysql server"""    db_host = 'localhost'    db_user = 'root'    db_pass = 'william'    db_name = 'backup'    conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=db_host, user=db_user,                           passwd=db_pass,db=db_name)    return conndef check_path(path):    """Check if a path exist, and create if it's not"""    if not os.path.exists(path):        mkdir_cmd = "mkdir -p " + path do_rotate(file, rotate):    """Rotate files for $rotate times"""    list = []    for i in range(int(rotate)):        list.insert(0, i)    for i in list:        if i == 0:            src = backup_path + file        else:            src = backup_path + file + "." + str(i)        dst = backup_path + file + "." + str(i+1)        if os.path.exists(src):            move_cmd = "mv " + src + " " + dst   get_new(instance_id, compute_node, file):    """Get the new backup $file from $host"""    src = "william@" + compute_node + ":/var/lib/openstack/" + \           instance_id + "/" + file    dst = "/var/lib/openstack-backup/" + instance_id + "/"    copy_cmd = "scp " + src + " " + dst    ssh_newkey = "Are you sure you want to continue connecting"    p = pexpect.spawn(copy_cmd)    i = p.expect([ssh_newkey, 'password:', pexpect.EOF])    if i == 0:        print "I say yes"        p.sendline('yes')        i = p.expect([ssh_newkey, 'password:', pexpect.EOF])    if i == 1:#        print "I give password",        p.sendline("william")        p.expect(pexpect.EOF)    elif i == 2:        print "I either got key or connection timeout"        pass#    print p.beforedef do_backup(instance_id, compute_node, rotate, files):    for file in files:        do_rotate(file, rotate)        get_new(instance_id, compute_node, file)if __name__ == "__main__":    db = conn_to_mysql()    cursor = db.cursor()    cursor.execute('select * from schedule')    for result in cursor.fetchall():        instance_id = result[0]        count = int(result[5])        interval = int(result[2])        compute_node = result[1]        rotate = result[3]        files = result[4].split(",")        backup_path = "/var/lib/openstack-backup/" + instance_id + "/"        check_path(backup_path)        if count == 0:            do_backup(instance_id, compute_node, rotate, files)            count += 1        elif count == interval:            count = 0        else:            count += 1        # Update database        update_cmd = "update backup.schedule set count='" + str(count) + \                     "'where instance_id='" + str(instance_id) + "'"        cursor.execute(update_cmd)    db.close()
