
#!/usr/bin/python#===============================================================================# Creator: ACHAL RASTOGI# Dedicated to my Love: SHALU JHANWAR# Date: August 16, 2012 Time: 03:00 Hrs KST#===============================================================================import osimport sysdef path_fetch(_seq,_sec):    free=[]    never=[]    tk = _seq    kt = _sec    di = os.listdir("%s"%tk)    for file in di:            if tk[-1] == "/":                never.extend([kt,file])                free.extend([tk,file])                pa = "".join(free)                ap = "".join(never)                if os.path.isdir(pa):                   os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(pa,ap))           path_fetch(pa,ap)                   free=[]           never=[]                else:#change the file extension ".pl" with the extension of interest, example ".txt", ".doc", ".xls", etc            if ".pl" in pa:                            os.system('cp %s %s'%(pa,ap))                    free=[]                    never=[]def main():    fh=sys.argv[1]    two=sys.argv[2]    if os.path.exists(fh):    if os.path.exists(two):        print "Program will EXECUTE"        path_fetch(fh,two)      else:        print "Output path doesn't exist"    else:       print "Path doesn't exists"       sys.exit()if __name__=="__main__":    main()
