
#!/usr/bin/python -O# coding: UTF-8"""-replace string in files (recursive)-display the difference.v0.2 - search_string can be a re.compile() object -> use re.sub for replacingv0.1 - initial version    Useable by a small "client" script, e.g.:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------#!/usr/bin/python -O# coding: UTF-8import sys, re#sys.path.insert(0,"/path/to/git/repro/") # Please change pathfrom replace_in_files import SearchAndReplaceSearchAndReplace(    search_path = "/to/the/files/",    # e.g.: simple string replace:    search_string  = 'the old string',    replace_string = 'the new string',    # e.g.: Regular expression replacing (used re.sub)    #search_string  = re.compile('{% url (.*?) %}'),    #replace_string = "{% url '\g<1>' %}",    search_only = True, # Display only the difference    #search_only = False, # write the new content    file_filter=("*.py",), # fnmatch-Filter)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------:copyleft: 2009-2011 by Jens Diemer"""__author__ = "Jens Diemer"__license__ = """GNU General Public License v3 or above - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php"""__url__ = "http://www.jensdiemer.de"__version__ = "0.2"import os, re, time, fnmatch, difflib# FIXME: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4730121/cant-get-an-objects-class-name-in-pythonRE_TYPE = type(re.compile(""))class SearchAndReplace(object):    def __init__(self, search_path, search_string, replace_string,                                        search_only=True, file_filter=("*.*",)):        self.search_path = search_path        self.search_string = search_string        self.replace_string = replace_string        self.search_only = search_only        self.file_filter = file_filter        assert isinstance(self.file_filter, (list, tuple))        # FIXME: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4730121/cant-get-an-objects-class-name-in-python        self.is_re = isinstance(self.search_string, RE_TYPE)        print "Search '%s' in [%s]..." % (            self.search_string, self.search_path        )        print "_" * 80        time_begin = time.time()        file_count = self.walk()        print "_" * 80        print "%s files searched in %0.2fsec." % (            file_count, (time.time() - time_begin)        )    def walk(self):        file_count = 0        for root, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(self.search_path):            if ".svn" in root:                continue            for filename in filelist:                for file_filter in self.file_filter:                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, file_filter):                        self.search_file(os.path.join(root, filename))                        file_count += 1        return file_count    def search_file(self, filepath):        f = file(filepath, "r")        old_content = f.read()        f.close()        if self.is_re or self.search_string in old_content:            new_content = self.replace_content(old_content, filepath)            if self.is_re and new_content == old_content:                return            print filepath            self.display_plaintext_diff(old_content, new_content)    def replace_content(self, old_content, filepath):        if self.is_re:            new_content = self.search_string.sub(self.replace_string, old_content)            if new_content == old_content:                return old_content        else:            new_content = old_content.replace(                self.search_string, self.replace_string            )        if self.search_only != False:            return new_content        print "Write new content into %s..." % filepath,        try:            f = file(filepath, "w")            f.write(new_content)            f.close()        except IOError, msg:            print "Error:", msg        else:            print "OK"        print        return new_content    def display_plaintext_diff(self, content1, content2):        """        Display a diff.        """        content1 = content1.splitlines()        content2 = content2.splitlines()        diff = difflib.Differ().compare(content1, content2)        def is_diff_line(line):            for char in ("-", "+", "?"):                if line.startswith(char):                    return True            return False        print "line | text\n-------------------------------------------"        old_line = ""        in_block = False        old_lineno = lineno = 0        for line in diff:            if line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("+"):                lineno += 1            if old_lineno == lineno:                display_line = "%4s | %s" % ("", line.rstrip())            else:                display_line = "%4s | %s" % (lineno, line.rstrip())            if is_diff_line(line):                if not in_block:                    print "..."                    # Display previous line                    print old_line                    in_block = True                print display_line            else:                if in_block:                    # Display the next line aber a diff-block                    print display_line                in_block = False            old_line = display_line            old_lineno = lineno        print "..."if __name__ == "__main__":    SearchAndReplace(        search_path=".",        # e.g.: simple string replace:        search_string='the old string',        replace_string='the new string',        # e.g.: Regular expression replacing (used re.sub)        #search_string   = re.compile('{% url (.*?) %}'),        #replace_string  = "{% url '\g<1>' %}",        search_only=True, # Display only the difference#        search_only     = False, # write the new content        file_filter=("*.py",), # fnmatch-Filter    )
