python实现选择排序算法,python排序算法,def ssort(V)

def ssort(V):                            #V is the list to be sorted    j = 0                                #j is the "current" ordered position, starting with the first one in the list    while j != len(V):                   #this is the replacing that ends when it reaches the end of the list        for i in range(j, len(V)):       #here it replaces the minor value that it finds with j position            if V[i] < V[j]:              #but it does it for every value minor than position j                V[j],V[i] = V[i],V[j]        j = j+1                          #and here's the addiction that limits the verification to only the next values    return V  
  def selection_sort(list):      l=list[:]                  # create a copy of the list      sorted=[]                  # this new list will hold the results      while len(l):              # while there are elements to sort...           lowest=l[0]            # create a variable to identify lowest          for x in l:            # and check every item in the list...              if x<lowest:       # to see if it might be lower.                  lowest=x          sorted.append(lowest)  # add the lowest one to the new list          l.remove(lowest)       # and delete it from the old one      return sorted 
a=input("Enter the length of the list :")          # too ask the user length of the list  l=[]                                              # take a emty list  for g in range (a):                              # for append the values from user       b=input("Enter the element :")           # to ask the user to give list values      l.append(b)                              # to append a values in a empty list l  print "The given eliments list is",l  for  i in range (len(l)):                         # to repeat the loop take length of l      index=i                                 # to store the values i in string index      num=l[i]                                # to take first value in list and store in num      for j in range(i+1,len(l)):              # to find out the small value in a list read all values          if num>l[j]:                    # to compare two values which store in num and list              index=j                 # to store the small value of the loop j in index              num=l[j]                # to store small charecter are value in num      tem=l[i]                               # to swap the list take the temparary list stor list vlaues      l[i]=l[index]                         # to take first value as another      l[index]=tem  print "After the swping the list by selection sort is",l 
