python gzip压缩文件,pythongzip,下面的代码实现用gzip


#!import stringimport gzipfrom optparse import OptionParser## version 1.01#created by T.Newell 06/11/2007# after searching the web ASPN and not finding a simple example of using gzip to zip a file i created this little gem.#def readCommandLine():    parser = OptionParser()    #read the options in    parser.add_option("-f","--Full_file_location",                    dest="File_to_be_run",                    default=r"c:\tn.txt",                    help="This is the fully qualified path name to the file location")    parser.add_option("-m","--Mode",                    dest="modeTn",                    default="r",                    help="The mode of zip unzip")    parser.add_option("-c","--Compression",                    dest="compress",                    default=9,                    help="The level of compression")    options, args = parser.parse_args()    #print options    return optionsdef zipit(filename, mode,compress):    #Saves/Zipps a compressed file to disk    #    r_file = open(filename, 'r')    # this is the zipping bit    w_file = gzip.GzipFile(filename + '.gz', mode, compress)    w_file.write(    w_file.flush()    w_file.close()    r_file.close()def un_zipit(filename,mode):    #Unzips a compressed file from disk    #    #this is the unzipping bit      r_file = gzip.GzipFile(filename, mode)    write_file = string.rstrip(filename, '.gz')    w_file = open(write_file, 'w')    w_file.write(    w_file.close()    r_file.close()if __name__ == "__main__":    #first thing to do is read the options in    options = readCommandLine()    if options.modeTn == "r":        #unzippit mode        if options.File_to_be_run[-3:] != '.gz':            # check to see if it has the extension .gz            print "This " + options.File_to_be_run + " is not a .gz file"        else:            #This should now unzipit            un_zipit(options.File_to_be_run,options.modeTn)    elif options.modeTn== "wb":            #this should zipit            zipit(options.File_to_be_run,options.modeTn,options.compress)    else:        # basically the wrong option was passed        print "ABORT something went wrong"        sys.exit()
