

TEXT_CHARS =("0000000111101100" # 0x0X            "0000000000010000" # 0x1X    This table give for each characters             "1111111111111111" # 0x2X    the kind of ASCII text file it can         "1111111111111111" # 0x3X    belong to.         "1111111111111111" # 0x4X          "1111111111111111" # 0x5X          "1111111111111111" # 0x6X    0  never appears in text         "1111111111111110" # 0x7X    1  appears in plain ASCII text         "3333313333333333" # 0x8X    2  appears in ISO-8859 text         "3333333333333333" # 0x9X    3  appears in non-ISO extended-         "2222222222222222" # 0xaX       ASCII (Mac, IBM PC)         "2222222222222222" # 0xbX          "2222222222222222" # 0xcX          "2222222222222222" # 0xdX    This table is copyrighted,         "2222222222222222" # 0xeX    see the discussion part.         "2222222222222222")# 0xfX PLAIN_ASCII = ''.join([chr(i) for i in range(256) if TEXT_CHARS[i]=='1'])def ascii_encoding(s):    """ return 0 if the text s is not an ascii text, 1 if the text        is a plain ASCII text, 2 if the text is ISO-8859, 3 if the file         is an non ISO extended text file"""    s = s.translate(TEXT_CHARS, PLAIN_ASCII)    for i in "032":        if i in s:            return int(i)    return 1##  some samples#print ascii_encoding("Hello wolrd")print ascii_encoding("Sébastien Keim")print ascii_encoding("AZZ\x12BB")
