Python方法调用网站接口实现MD5值查询,pythonmd5,这是在Python 2.

这是在Python 2.6.4版及window平台下的操作,目的是为了用Python方法调用网站接口实现MD5值查询的操作。代码是在4年前写的,之前是好用的,现在翻出来没测试过。需要用到的python模块比较多,大概有9个,分别是:os,sys,stat,json,time,getopt,hashlib,urllib2,sqlite3。


#-*-coding:utf-8-*-'''注:如不带命令参数,则本程序只会进行HASH值的扫描查询,不会将查询到的结果保存到本地数据库中。'''import osimport sysimport statimport jsonimport timeimport getoptimport hashlibimport urllib2import sqlite3class MD5_Search(object):            def __init__(self):                self.db_name = []        self.state = ('Unknow', 'Safe', 'Virus')        self.url = ""            def report(self):                info = ''        info += "=====================================================================\n"        info += "@Author: xuzhijian17 2011 LZSD command line scanner \n"        info += "Copyright (c) 1990 - 2011 Qianyun Technologies\n"        info += "Program version 10.0.1388, engine 10.0.1516\n"        info += "Version 1516/3730 %s\n" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")        info += "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"                return info        def del_file(self, file_path):                try:            os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_IWRITE)            os.remove(file_path)        except WindowsError:            print "File already delete or does not exist."                        def file_md5(self, file_name):        with open(file_name, 'rb') as fb:            md5 = hashlib.md5(                    return md5        def scan_files(self, folder):                dct = {}        for x, y, z in os.walk(folder):            for i in z:                file_name = os.path.join(x, i)                if os.path.isfile(file_name):                    md5 = self.file_md5(file_name)                    dct[md5] = file_name                 else:                    self.del_file(file_name)        return dct                def db(self, name):                db_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), name)        if os.path.isfile(db_name):            db_size = os.path.getsize(db_name)            if db_size < 10485760: #判断数据库文件是否大于10M                self.db_name.append(db_name)            else:                db_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'xzj_' + name)                self.Create_db(db_name)                self.db_name.append(db_name)        else:            self.Create_db(db_name)            self.db_name.append(db_name)                def Create_db(self, db_name):                conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)        cu = conn.cursor()        cu.execute('''create table if not exists hashQuery(id integer primary key autoincrement,md5 varchar(128)UNIQUE,state varchar(128),date varchar(128))''')        conn.commit()        cu.close()            def LocalInquire(self, folder):                dct = {}        for db_name in self.db_name:            try:                conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)                cu = conn.cursor()                for file_md5, file_path in self.scan_files(folder).items():                    cu.execute("select * from hashQuery where md5=?", (file_md5,))                    dct[file_path] = cu.fetchone()            except sqlite3.IntegrityError:                pass            finally:                conn.commit()                cu.close()        return dct    def hashQuery(self, md5):                        try:            req = urllib2.Request(self.url, 'hashs=%s' % md5, headers={'User-Agent':'SucopAnalyze/1.0'})            page = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=10)            content =            page.close()            for md5, stat in json.loads(content)['data'].items():                if stat['stat'] == 0: #stat = 0 是未知                    return 0                elif stat['stat'] == "1": #stat = 1 是安全                    return 1                elif stat['stat'] == "2": #stat = 2 是危险                    return 2                    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:            print e.code            print e.msg            print e.headers            print          except urllib2.URLError, e:            print e                def run(self, db_name, folder, arge1, arge2, arge3, log_path):        self.db(db_name)                 date = time.ctime()        conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_name[-1])        cu = conn.cursor()        with open(log_path, 'w') as fp:            fp.write(            try:                print "Start local scaning......"                for file_path, database in self.LocalInquire(folder).items():                    if database:                        if database[2] == self.state[1]:                            safe = "%s %s\t%s" % (date, file_path, self.state[1])                            print safe                            if arge1:                                self.del_file(file_path)                                print file_path + "\t...Delete Succeed"                            fp.write(safe + '\n')                        elif database[2] == self.state[2]:                            malive = "%s %s\t%s" % (date, file_path, self.state[2])                            print malive                            if arge2:                                self.del_file(file_path)                                print file_path + "\t...Delete Succeed"                            fp.write(malive + '\n')                                        if arge3:                    print "Start cloud scaning....."                    for file_md5, file_path in self.scan_files(folder).items():                        if self.hashQuery(file_md5) == 0:                            unknow = "%s %s\t%s" % (date, file_path, self.state[0])                            print unknow                            fp.write(unknow + '\n')                        elif self.hashQuery(file_md5) == 1:                            safe = "%s %s\t%s" % (date, file_path, self.state[1])                            print safe                            if arge1:                                self.del_file(file_path)                                print file_path + "\t...Delete Succeed"                                cu.execute("insert into hashQuery(md5,state,date) values('%s','%s','%s')" % (file_md5, self.state[1], date))                            fp.write(safe + '\n')                        elif self.hashQuery(file_md5) == 2:                            malive = "%s %s\t%s" % (date, file_path, self.state[2])                            print malive                            if arge2:                                self.del_file(file_path)                                print file_path + "\t...Delete Succeed"                                cu.execute("insert into hashQuery(md5,state,date) values('%s','%s','%s')" % (file_md5, self.state[2], date))                            fp.write(malive + '\n')            finally:                conn.commit()                cu.close()    def main():         if len(sys.argv) < 2:        print __doc__        sys.exit()    try:                                        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hsmc", ["help", "file=", "log="])    except getopt.GetoptError:        print "parameter input error! please type -h or --help."        sys.exit()            arge1 = None    arge2 = None    arge3 = None    folder = None    db_name = 'hashQuery.db'    log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'hashQuery.log')        ms = MD5_Search()    for opt, arg in opts:                       if opt in ("-h", "--help"):                 print __doc__                                 sys.exit()        elif opt == "-s":            arge1 = opt        elif opt == "-m":            arge2 = opt        elif opt == "-c":            arge3 = opt        elif opt == "--file":            folder = arg        elif opt == "--log":            log_path = arg              if folder:      , folder, arge1, arge2, arge3, log_path)if __name__ == '__main__':        main()       

