《Python编程:从入门到实践》第10章 笔记,,备注:以下按照Pyt

备注:以下按照Python 2的规则编写代码。
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10 文件和异常

10.1 文件中读取数据

10.1.1 读取整个文件

"""file_reader.py"""with open(‘chapter_10/pi_digits.txt‘) as file_object:   # 关键字with在不再需要访问文件后将其关闭    contents = file_object.read()    print(contents)    
3.1415926535  8979323846  2643383279


"""file_reader.py"""with open(‘chapter_10/pi_digits.txt‘) as file_object:   # 关键字with在不再需要访问文件后将其关闭    contents = file_object.read()    print(contents.rstrip())   # 使用rstrip()删除文件末尾多余的空行    
3.1415926535  8979323846  2643383279

10.1.3 逐行读取

"""file_reader.py"""filename = ‘chapter_10/pi_digits.txt‘with open(filename) as f:    for line in f:        print linewith open(filename) as f:    for line in f:        print line.rstrip()
3.1415926535  8979323846  26433832793.1415926535  8979323846  2643383279

10.1.4 创建包含文件各行内容的列表

filename = ‘chapter_10/pi_digits.txt‘with open(filename) as f:    lines = f.readlines()    print linesfor line in lines:    print line.rstrip()
[‘3.1415926535\n‘, ‘  8979323846\n‘, ‘  2643383279\n‘]3.1415926535  8979323846  2643383279

10.1.5 使用文件中的内容

"""pi_string.py"""filename = ‘chapter_10/pi_digits.txt‘with open(filename) as f:    lines = f.readlines()        pi_string = ‘‘for line in lines:    pi_string += line.rstrip()    print pi_stringprint len(pi_string)
3.1415926535  8979323846  264338327936
"""pi_string.py"""filename = ‘chapter_10/pi_digits.txt‘with open(filename) as f:    lines = f.readlines()        pi_string = ‘‘for line in lines:    pi_string += line.strip()  # 删除前后的空格    print pi_stringprint len(pi_string)


10.1.6 包含一百万位的大型文件

"""pi_string.py"""filename = ‘chapter_10/pi_million_digits.txt‘with open(filename) as f:    lines = f.readlines()        pi_string = ‘‘for line in lines:    pi_string += line.strip()    print pi_string[:52] + "..."    # 以打印小数点后50位为例print len(pi_string)

10.1.7 圆周率值中包含你的生日吗

"""任务:确定某个生日是否包含在圆周率值的前1 000 000位中。"""filename = ‘chapter_10/pi_million_digits.txt‘with open(filename) as f:    lines = f.readlines()        pi_string = ‘‘for line in lines:    pi_string += line.rstrip()    birthday = raw_input("Enter your birthday, in the form mmddyy: ")if birthday  in pi_string:    print "Your birthday aperars in the first million digits of pi!"    else:    print "Your birthday doesn‘t appear in the first million digits of pi."    
Enter your birthday, in the form mmddyy: 120372Your birthday aperars in the first million digits of pi!

习题: 10-1 Python学习笔记

"""在文本编辑器中新建一个文件,写几句话来总结一下你至此学到的 Python 知识,其中每一行都以“In Python you can”打头。将这文件命名为learning_python.txt,并将其存储到为完成本章练习而编写的程序所在的目录中。编写一个程序,它读取这个文件,并将你所写的内容打印三次:第一次打印时读取整个文件;第二次打印时遍历文件对象;第三次打印时将各行存储在一个列表中,再在 with 代码块外打印它们。"""with open(‘chapter_10/learning_python.txt‘) as lp:    contents = lp.read()print "1>>>" print contentsprint "\n2>>>"for line in contents:    print line.strip()print "\n3>>>"with open(‘chapter_10/learning_python.txt‘) as lp:    lines = lp.readlines()    for line in lines:        print line.rstrip()    
1>>>In Python you can do whatever you want!In Python you can read different tpyes of files.In Python you can draw something.In Python you can program interesting games.2>>>InPythonyoucandowhateveryouwant!InPythonyoucanreaddifferenttpyesoffiles.InPythonyoucandrawsomething.InPythonyoucanprograminterestinggames.3>>>In Python you can do whatever you want!In Python you can read different tpyes of files.In Python you can draw something.In Python you can program interesting games.

练习:10-2 C语言学习笔记

"""读取你刚创建的文件 learning_python.txt 中的每一行,使用方法replace()将其中的 Python 都替换为另一门语言的名称,如 C。将修改后的各行都打印到屏幕上。 """message = "I really like dogs."message.replace(‘dog‘, ‘cat‘)with open(‘chapter_10/learning_python.txt‘) as f:    contents = f.read()    print contentsprint "\nChange ‘Python‘ to ‘C‘."print contents.replace("Python", "C")   # replace()替换字符串中特定单词
In Python you can do whatever you want!In Python you can read different tpyes of files.In Python you can draw something.In Python you can program interesting games.Change ‘Python‘ to ‘C‘.In C you can do whatever you want!In C you can read different tpyes of files.In C you can draw something.In C you can program interesting games.

10.2 写入文件

10.2.1 写入空文件

"""write_message.py"""filename = ‘chapter_10/programming1.txt‘with open(filename, ‘w‘) as f:    f.write("I love programming.")# 验证with open(filename) as f:    print "The following are in the file:"    print f.read()
The following are in the file:I love programming.





10.2.2 写入多行

filename = ‘chapter_10/programming2.txt‘with open(filename, ‘w‘) as f:    f.write("I love programming.\n")   # 插入换行符,否则这两句会连在一起    f.write("I love creating new games.\n")       # 验证with open(filename) as f:    print "The following are in the file:"    print f.read()
The following are in the file:I love programming.I love creating new games.

10.2.3 附加到文件

"""如果要给文件添加内容,而不是覆盖原有的内容,可以附加模式打开文件,写入到文件的行都将添加到文件末尾。如果指定的文件不存在,Python将创建一个空文件。"""filename = ‘chapter_10/programming3.txt‘with open(filename, ‘a‘) as f:    f.write("I also love finding meaning in large dataset.\n")    f.write("I love creating apps that can run in browser.\n")    # 验证with open(filename) as f:    print "The following are in the file:"    print f.read()
The following are in the file:I love programming.I love creating new games.I also love finding meaning in large dataset.I love creating apps that can run in browser.

习题:10-3 访客

"""编写一个程序,提示用户输入其名字;用户作出响应后,将其名字写入到文件 guest.txt 中。 """filename = "chapter_10/guest.txt"name = raw_input("Hello!\nWhat‘s your name?\n")with open(filename, "w") as f:    f.write(name)    # 验证with open(filename) as f:    print "The following are in the file:"    print f.read()
Hello!What‘s your name?DanThe following are in the file:Dan

习题:10-4 访客名单

"""编写一个 while 循环,提示用户输入其名字。用户输入其名字后,在屏幕上打印一句问候语,并将一条访问记录添加到文件 guest_book.txt 中。确保这个文件中的每条记录都独占一行。 """filename = "chapter_10/guest_book.txt"name = ""with open(filename, "a") as f:    while name != "quit":        print "Enter ‘quit‘ to quit this program."        name = raw_input("Please write down your name: ")            if name == "quit":            break                    line =  "Hello! " + name + "\n"        f.write(line)        print line
Enter ‘quit‘ to quit this program.Please write down your name: AnnHello! AnnEnter ‘quit‘ to quit this program.Please write down your name: BobHello! BobEnter ‘quit‘ to quit this program.Please write down your name: CandyHello! CandyEnter ‘quit‘ to quit this program.Please write down your name: DennyHello! DennyEnter ‘quit‘ to quit this program.Please write down your name: quit

10.3 异常

10.3.1 ZeroDivisionError 异常

"""division.py"""print 5/0
---------------------------------------------------------------------------ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-6-8c4a85b4b7dc> in <module>()      2 """division.py"""      3 ----> 4 print 5/0ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero



10.3.2 使用try-except代码块

"""处理ZeroDivisionError异常的try-except代码块类似于下面这样: """try:    print 5/0except ZeroDivisionError:    print "You can‘t divide by zero!"
You can‘t divide by zero!


10.3.3 使用异常避免崩溃

"""发生错误时,如果程序还有工作没有完成,妥善地处理错误就尤其重要。这种情况经常会出现在要求用户提供输入的程序中;如果程序能够妥善地处理无效输入,就能再提示用户提供有效输入,而不至于崩溃。 下面来创建一个只执行除法运算的简单计算器:""""""division.py"""print "Give me two numbers, and I‘ll divide them." print "Enter ‘q‘ to quit." while True:     first_number = raw_input("\nFirst number: ")     if first_number == ‘q‘:         break     second_number = raw_input("Second number: ")     if second_number == ‘q‘:         break     answer = float(first_number) / float(second_number)     print(answer) 
Give me two numbers, and I‘ll divide them.Enter ‘q‘ to quit.First number: 5Second number: 0---------------------------------------------------------------------------ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-11-32d5fd3de975> in <module>()     17     if second_number == ‘q‘:     18         break---> 19     answer = float(first_number) / float(second_number)     20     print(answer)ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero


10.3.4 else 代码块

"""通过将可能引发错误的代码放在try-except代码块中,可提高这个程序抵御错误的能力。错误是执行除法运算的代码行导致的,因此我们需要将它放到try-except代码块中。这个示例还包含一个else代码块;依赖于try代码块成功执行的代码都应放到else代码块中: """print "Give me two numbers, and I‘ll divide them." print "Enter ‘q‘ to quit." while True:     first_number = raw_input("\nFirst number: ")     if first_number == ‘q‘:         break     second_number = raw_input("Second number: ")     #if second_number == ‘q‘:          #break    try:        answer = float(first_number) / float(second_number)     except ZeroDivisionError:         print "You can‘t divide by 0!"    else:        print(answer) 
Give me two numbers, and I‘ll divide them.Enter ‘q‘ to quit.First number: 5Second number: 0You can‘t divide by 0!First number: 5Second number: 22.5First number: q



10.3.5 处理 FileNotFoundError 异常

"""使用文件时,一种常见的问题是找不到文件:你要查找的文件可能在其他地方、文件名可能不正确或者这个文件根本就不存在。对于所有这些情形,都可使用try-except代码块以直观的方式进行处理。 我们来尝试读取一个不存在的文件。下面的程序尝试读取文件alice.txt的内容,但我没有将这个文件存储在alice.py所在的目录中: """"""alice.py"""filename = ‘alice.txt‘  with open(filename) as f_obj:     contents = f_obj.read() 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------IOError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-14-69c4fe15fe12> in <module>()     10 filename = ‘alice.txt‘     11 ---> 12 with open(filename) as f_obj:     13     contents = f_obj.read()IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘alice.txt‘


filename = ‘alice.txt‘  try:     with open(filename) as f_obj:         contents = f_obj.read() except IOError:     msg = "Sorry, the file ‘" + filename + "‘ does not exist."     print msg
Sorry, the file ‘alice.txt‘ does not exist.

10.3.6 分析文本

"""下面来提取童话Alice  in  Wonderland的文本,并尝试计算它包含多少个单词。我们将使用方法split(),它根据一个字符串创建一个单词列表。"""filename = ‘chapter_10/alice.txt‘try:    with open(filename) as f:        contents = f.read()except IOError:    msg = "Sorry, the file ‘" + filename + "‘ does not exist."    print msgelse:    # 计算文件大致包含多少个单词    words  = contents.split()    num_words = len(words)    print "The file ‘" + filename + "‘ has about " + str(num_words) + " words."
The file ‘chapter_10/alice.txt‘ has about 29461 words.

10.3.7 使用多个文件

"""下面多分析几本书。这样做之前,我们先将这个程序的大部分代码移到一个名为count_words()的函数中,这样对多本书进行分析时将更容易: """"""word_count.py """def count_words(filename):     """计算一个文件大致包含多少个单词"""     try:         with open(filename) as f_obj:             contents = f_obj.read()      except IOError:         msg = "Sorry, the file ‘" + filename + "‘ does not exist."         print(msg)     else:         # 计算文件大致包含多少个单词         words = contents.split()         num_words = len(words)         print "The file ‘" + filename + "‘ has about " + str(num_words) +  " words."            filenames = [‘chapter_10/alice.txt‘, ‘chapter_10/siddhartha.txt‘, ‘chapter_10/moby_dick.txt‘, ‘chapter_10/little_women.txt‘] for filename in filenames:     count_words(filename) 
The file ‘chapter_10/alice.txt‘ has about 29461 words.Sorry, the file ‘chapter_10/siddhartha.txt‘ does not exist.The file ‘chapter_10/moby_dick.txt‘ has about 215136 words.The file ‘chapter_10/little_women.txt‘ has about 189079 words.



如果不捕获因找不到siddhartha.txt而引发IOError异常,用户将看到完整的traceback,而程序将在尝试分析Siddhartha后停止运行——根本不分析Moby Dick和Little Women。

10.3.8 失败时一声不吭

"""在前一个示例中,我们告诉用户有一个文件找不到。但并非每次捕获到异常时都需要告诉用户,有时候你希望程序在发生异常时一声不吭,就像什么都没有发生一样继续运行。要让程序在失败时一声不吭,可像通常那样编写try代码块,但在except代码块中明确地告诉Python什么都不要做。Python有一个pass语句,可在代码块中使用它来让Python什么都不要做: """def count_words(filename):     """计算一个文件大致包含多少个单词"""     try:         with open(filename) as f_obj:             contents = f_obj.read()      except IOError:          pass     else:         # 计算文件大致包含多少个单词         words = contents.split()         num_words = len(words)         print "The file ‘" + filename + "‘ has about " + str(num_words) +  " words."    filenames = [‘chapter_10/alice.txt‘, ‘chapter_10/siddhartha.txt‘, ‘chapter_10/moby_dick.txt‘, ‘chapter_10/little_women.txt‘] for filename in filenames:     count_words(filename) 
The file ‘chapter_10/alice.txt‘ has about 29461 words.The file ‘chapter_10/moby_dick.txt‘ has about 215136 words.The file ‘chapter_10/little_women.txt‘ has about 189079 words.



"""10-6  加法运算:提示用户提供数值输入时,常出现的一个问题是,用户提供的是文本而不是数字。在这种情况下,当你尝试将输入转换为整数时,将引发 TypeError 异常。编写一个程序,提示用户输入两个数字,再将它们相加并打印结果。在用户输入的任何一个值不是数字时都捕获 TypeError 异常,并打印一条友好的错误消息。对你编写的程序进行测试:先输入两个数字,再输入一些文本而不是数字。 """print "Give me two numbers, and I‘ll add them."num_1 = raw_input("First number: ")num_2 = raw_input("Second number: ")try:    sum = float(num_1) + float(num_2)except ValueError:    print "\nYou didn‘t give me two NUMBERS!"else:    print "\nThe answer is: " + str(sum)     
Give me two numbers, and I‘ll add them.First number: 1.2Second number: 4.3The answer is: 5.5
"""10-7  加法计算器:将你为完成练习 10-6 而编写的代码放在一个 while 循环中,让用户犯错(输入的是文本而不是数字)后能够继续输入数字。 """print "Give me two numbers, and I‘ll add them."print "Enter ‘q‘ to quit."check = Truewhile check:    num_1 = raw_input("\nFirst number: ")    if num_1 == "q":        break    num_2 = raw_input("Second number: ")    if num_2 == "q":        break    try:        sum = float(num_1) + float(num_2)    except ValueError:        print "\nYou didn‘t give me two NUMBERS!"        continue    else:        print "\nThe answer is: " + str(sum)        check = False   
Give me two numbers, and I‘ll add them.Enter ‘q‘ to quit.First number: dSecond number: gYou didn‘t give me two NUMBERS!First number: 3Second number: oYou didn‘t give me two NUMBERS!First number: 7Second number: 6The answer is: 13.0
"""10-8 猫和狗:创建两个文件 cats.txt 和 dogs.txt,在第一个文件中至少存储三只猫的名字,在第二个文件中至少存储三条狗的名字。编写一个程序,尝试读取这些文件,并将其内容打印到屏幕上。将这些代码放在一个 try-except 代码块中,以便在文件不存在时捕获 FileNotFound 错误,并打印一条友好的消息。将其中一个文件移到另一个地方,并确认 except 代码块中的代码将正确地执行。 """catsname = "chapter_10/cats.txt"dogsname = "chapter_10/dogs.txt"def readfile(filename):            try:            with open(filename) as f:                print filename.upper()                print f.read()        except IOError:            print "The ‘" + filename + "‘ does not exist!"                        readfile(catsname)   readfile(dogsname)   
The ‘chapter_10/cats.txt‘ does not exist!The ‘chapter_10/dogs.txt‘ does not exist!
"""10-9 沉默的猫和狗:修改你在练习 10-8 中编写的 except 代码块,让程序在文件不存在时一言不发。 """catsname = "chapter_10/cats.txt"dogsname = "chapter_10/dogs.txt"def readfile(filename):            try:            with open(filename) as f:                print filename.upper()                print f.read()        except IOError:            pass                print "Complete."               readfile(catsname)   readfile(dogsname)   

10.4 存储数据



10.4.1 使用 json.dump()和 json.load()


"""number_write.py"""import json  # 导入json模块numbers = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]filename = ‘chapter_10/numbers.json‘with open(filename, ‘w‘) as f:    json.dump(numbers, f)
"""number_reader.py"""filename = ‘chapter_10/numbers.json‘with open(filename) as f:    numbers = json.load(f)    print numbers    
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]

10.4.2 保存和读取用户生成的数据

"""存储用户的名字""""""remember_me.py"""import jsonusername = raw_input("What‘s your name? ")filename = "chapter_10/username.json"with open(filename, "w") as f:    json.dump(username, f)    print "We‘ll remember you when you come back, " + username + "!"
What‘s your name? EricWe‘ll remember you when you come back, Eric!
"""再编写一个程序,向其名字被存储的用户发出问候: """"""greet_user.py """import jsonfilename = "chapter_10/username.json"with open(filename) as f:    username = json.load(f)    print "Welcome back, " + username + "!"
Welcome back, Eric!
"""合并两个文件""""""remember_me.py"""import json# 如果以前存储了用户名,就加载它# 否则,就提示用户输入用户名并存储它filename = "chapter_10/username.json"try:    with open(filename) as f:        username = json.load(f)        except IOError:    username = raw_input("What‘s  your name? ")    with open(filename, "w") as f:        json.dump(username, f)        print "We‘ll remember you when you come back, " + username + "!"else:    print "Welcome back, " + username + "!"
Welcome back, Eric!

10.4.3 重构


"""remrember_me.py"""def greet_user():    """问候用户,并指出其名字"""    filename = "chapter_10/username.json"    try:        with open(filename) as f:            username = json.load(f)      except IOError:        username = raw_input("What‘s  your name? ")        with open(filename, "w") as f:            json.dump(username, f)            print "We‘ll remember you when you come back, " + username + "!"    else:        print "Welcome back, " + username + "!"                greet_user()        
Welcome back, Eric!
"""重构greet_user(),让它不执行这么多任务。先将获取存储的用户名的代码移到另一个函数中 """import jsondef get_stored_username():     """如果存储了用户名,就获取它"""     filename = "chapter_10/username.json"    try:        with open(filename) as f:            username = json.load(f)      except IOError:        return None    else:        return username    def greet_user():    username = get_stored_username()    if username:        print "Welcome back, " + username + "!"    else:        username = raw_input("What‘s  your name? ")        with open(filename, "w") as f:            json.dump(username, f)            print "We‘ll remember you when you come back, " + username + "!"        greet_user()    
Welcome back, Eric!
"""将greet_user()中的另一个代码块提取出来:将没有存储用户名时提示用户输入的代码放在一个独立的函数中: """import jsondef get_stored_username():            try:        with open(filename) as f:            username = json.load(f)      except IOError:        return None    else:        return username    def get_new_username():     """提示用户输入用户名"""     username = raw_input("What is your name? ")     filename = "chapter_10/username.json"    with open(filename, ‘w‘) as f:         json.dump(username, f)     return username def greet_user():         username = get_stored_username()     if username:         print "Welcome back, " + username + "!"    else:         username = get_new_username()           print "We‘ll remember you when you come back, " + username + "!"         greet_user()     
Welcome back, Eric!




10-11 喜欢的数字: 编写一个程序,提示用户输入他喜欢的数字,并使用json.dump()将这个数字存储到文件中。
再编写一个程序,从文件中读取这个值,并打印消息“I know your favorite number! It’s _____.”。

import jsonfilename = "chapter_10/favorite_number.json"num = raw_input("What‘s your favorite number? ")with open(filename, "w") as f:    json.dump(num, f)        with open(filename) as f:    answer = json.load(f)    print "I know your favorite number! It‘s " + str(answer) + "."  
What‘s your favorite number? 20I know your favorite number! It‘s 20.

10-12 记住喜欢的数字:将练习 10-11 中的两个程序合而为一。如果存储了用户喜欢的数字,就向用户显示它,

import jsonfilename = "chapter_10/favorite_number.json"with open(filename) as f:        try:        answer = json.load(f)           print "I know your favorite number! It‘s " + str(answer) + "."     except ValueError:        print "Oh, I don‘t know your favorite number."        num = raw_input("So what‘s your favorite number? ")        with open(filename, "w") as f:            json.dump(num, f)           
I know your favorite number! It‘s 20.

10-13 验证用户:最后一个 remember_me.py 版本假设用户要么已输入其用户名,要么是首次运行该程序。我们应修改
为此,在 greet_user()中打印欢迎用户回来的消息前,先询问他用户名是否是对的。
如果不对,就调用 get_new_username()让用户输入正确的用户名。

import jsondef get_stored_username():     filename = "chapter_10/username.json"    try:        with open(filename) as f:            username = json.load(f)      except IOError:        return None    else:        return username    def get_new_username():     """提示用户输入用户名"""     username = raw_input("What is your name ? ")     filename = "chapter_10/username.json"    with open(filename, ‘w‘) as f:         json.dump(username, f)     return username def greet_user():         username = get_stored_username()     if username:         check = raw_input("Are you " + username + " ? y/s ")        if check == "y":            print "Welcome back, " + username + "!"        if check == "n":            print "I‘s sorry."            username = get_new_username()            print "We‘ll remember you when you come back, " + username + "!"     else:         username = get_new_username()           print "We‘ll remember you when you come back, " + username + "!"         greet_user()     
    Are you Ada ? y/s n    I‘m sorry.    What is your name ? Eric    We‘ll remember you when you come back, Eric!

《Python编程:从入门到实践》第10章 笔记
