VPython—旋转坐标系,,使用arrow( )

使用arrow( )创建三个坐标轴代表一个坐标系,其中X0-Y0-Z0为参考坐标系(固定不动),X-Y-Z为运动坐标系,这两个坐标系原点重合,运动坐标系可以绕参考坐标系或其自身旋转。在屏幕上输出一个转换矩阵,该矩阵描述了动坐标系相对于参考坐标系的姿态,矩阵第一列表示动坐标系的X轴在参考坐标系中的方向,第二列表示动坐标系的Y轴在参考坐标系中的方向,第二列表示动坐标系的Z轴在参考坐标系中的方向。显而易见,当两个坐标系姿态一致时,转换矩阵为3阶单位矩阵。





 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 from visual import * 3  4 scene.title = ‘Coordinates‘ # 设置窗口标题 5 scene.width = 600           # 设置窗口宽度和高度 6 scene.height = 600 7 scene.forward = (-1,-1,-1)  # 设置camera视线方向 8  9 # Create a frame object,group objects together to make a composite object10 f = frame()11  12 # 定义参考坐标系13 X0 = arrow(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(1,0,0), color=color.cyan, shaftwidth=0.05)14 Y0 = arrow(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(0,1,0), color=color.cyan, shaftwidth=0.05)15 Z0 = arrow(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(0,0,1), color=color.yellow,shaftwidth=0.05)16 17 18 # 定义运动坐标系的X,Y,Z轴19 X = arrow(frame = f, pos=(0,0,0), axis=(1,0,0), color=(1,0,0), shaftwidth=0.1)20 Y = arrow(frame = f, pos=(0,0,0), axis=(0,1,0), color=(0,1,0), shaftwidth=0.1)21 Z = arrow(frame = f, pos=(0,0,0), axis=(0,0,1), color=(0,0,1), shaftwidth=0.1)22 23 tf_str = ‘Transformation matrix:\n%-8.2f %-8.2f %-8.2f\n%-8.2f %-8.2f %-8.2f\n%-8.2f %-8.2f %-8.2f\n‘%(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)24 25 # With the label object you can display 2D text in a box, and the label always faces forward26 info = label(pos=(-0.5,0.5,0), text = tf_str, box=False, opacity=0, height=16)27 28 29 delta_angle = radians(2)  # 2°30 31 def rotate_axis(angle, axis, origin):32     X.rotate(angle=angle, axis=axis, origin=origin)33     Y.rotate(angle=angle, axis=axis, origin=origin)34     Z.rotate(angle=angle, axis=axis, origin=origin)35     36 while True:37     rate(100)38     39     if scene.kb.keys: # event waiting to be processed?40         s = scene.kb.getkey() # get keyboard info41         42         # 按左右箭头绕Z轴旋转43         if s == ‘left‘: 44             #f.rotate(angle=delta_angle, axis=Z.axis, origin=(0,0,0))45             rotate_axis(angle = delta_angle, axis = Z.axis, origin = (0,0,0))46         elif s == ‘right‘: 47             #f.rotate(angle=-delta_angle, axis=Z.axis, origin=(0,0,0))48             rotate_axis(angle = -delta_angle, axis = Z.axis, origin = (0,0,0))49 50         # 按上下箭头绕Y轴旋转    51         if s == ‘up‘: 52             #f.rotate(angle=delta_angle, axis=Y.axis, origin=(0,0,0))53             rotate_axis(angle = delta_angle, axis = Y.axis, origin = (0,0,0))           54         elif s == ‘down‘: 55             #f.rotate(angle=-delta_angle, axis=Y.axis, origin=(0,0,0))56             rotate_axis(angle = -delta_angle, axis = Y.axis, origin = (0,0,0))57             58         # 按w,s键绕X轴旋转    59         if s == ‘w‘: 60             #f.rotate(angle=delta_angle, axis=X.axis, origin=(0,0,0))61             rotate_axis(angle = delta_angle, axis = X.axis, origin = (0,0,0))            62         elif s == ‘s‘: 63             #f.rotate(angle=-delta_angle, axis=X.axis, origin=(0,0,0))64             rotate_axis(angle = -delta_angle, axis = X.axis, origin = (0,0,0))65 66         info.text = ‘Transformation matrix:\n%-8.2f %-8.2f %-8.2f\n%-8.2f %-8.2f %-8.2f\n%-8.2f %-8.2f %-8.2f\n‘67                         % (X.axis[0],Y.axis[0],Z.axis[0],68                            X.axis[1],Y.axis[1],Z.axis[1],69                            X.axis[2],Y.axis[2],Z.axis[2])




