python实现的最低松弛度优先(LLF)算法,, 1 #!/use

  1 #!/user/bin/env python  2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-  3   4 import sys  5   6   7 class TaskControlBlock:  8     CURRENT_TIME = 0  9  10     def __init__(self, dictionary, 11                  name_list, 12                  period_time, 13                  central_processing_unit_time, 14                  remain_time, 15                  current_period, 16                  laxity_time): 17         for key in dictionary.keys(): 18             name_list.append(key) 19             period_time.append(dictionary.get(key)[1]) 20             central_processing_unit_time.append(dictionary.get(key)[0]) 21             remain_time.append(dictionary.get(key)[0]) 22             current_period.append(1) 23             laxity_time.append(dictionary.get(key)[1] - dictionary.get(key)[0] - self.CURRENT_TIME) 24  25     @staticmethod 26     def get_index_of_min(least_laxity_task_list, minimum): 27         return least_laxity_task_list.index(minimum) 28  29     @staticmethod 30     def get_another_index_of_min(least_laxity_task_list, minimum): 31         least_laxity_task_list[least_laxity_task_list.index(minimum)] = sys.maxsize 32         return least_laxity_task_list.index(min(least_laxity_task_list)) 33  34     @staticmethod 35     def is_exit(temp_list): 36         for element in temp_list: 37             if element != sys.maxsize: 38                 return False 39         return True 40  41     def scheduling(self, name_list, 42                    period_time, 43                    central_processing_unit_time, 44                    remain_time, 45                    current_period, 46                    laxity_time): 47         least_laxity_task = laxity_time.index(min(laxity_time)) 48         temp_list = [] 49         for i in laxity_time: 50             temp_list.append(i) 51         if self.CURRENT_TIME < period_time[least_laxity_task] * (current_period[least_laxity_task] - 1): 52             while self.CURRENT_TIME < period_time[least_laxity_task] *  53                     (current_period[least_laxity_task] - 1): 54                 least_laxity_task = self.get_another_index_of_min(temp_list, min(temp_list)) 55                 if self.is_exit(temp_list=temp_list): 56                     exit(0) 57             another_task = self.get_another_index_of_min(temp_list, min(temp_list)) 58             if remain_time[least_laxity_task]  59                     <= laxity_time[another_task]: 60                 running_time = remain_time[least_laxity_task] 61             else: 62                 running_time = laxity_time[another_task] 63             remain_time[least_laxity_task] -= running_time 64             print(name_list[least_laxity_task], self.CURRENT_TIME, running_time) 65             self.CURRENT_TIME += running_time 66             if remain_time[least_laxity_task] == 0: 67                 current_period[least_laxity_task] += 1 68                 remain_time[least_laxity_task] = central_processing_unit_time[least_laxity_task] 69             i = 0 70             while i < laxity_time.__len__(): 71                 laxity_time[i] = current_period[i] * period_time[i] -  72                                  remain_time[i] - self.CURRENT_TIME 73                 i += 1 74             print(laxity_time) 75         else: 76             another_task = self.get_another_index_of_min(temp_list, min(temp_list)) 77             if remain_time[least_laxity_task]  78                     <= temp_list[another_task]: 79                 running_time = remain_time[least_laxity_task] 80             else: 81                 running_time = laxity_time[another_task] 82             remain_time[least_laxity_task] -= running_time 83             print(name_list[least_laxity_task], self.CURRENT_TIME, running_time) 84             self.CURRENT_TIME += running_time 85             if remain_time[least_laxity_task] == 0: 86                 current_period[least_laxity_task] += 1 87                 remain_time[least_laxity_task] = central_processing_unit_time[least_laxity_task] 88             i = 0 89             while i < laxity_time.__len__(): 90                 laxity_time[i] = current_period[i] * period_time[i] -  91                                  remain_time[i] - self.CURRENT_TIME 92                 i += 1 93             print(laxity_time) 94  95  96 if __name__ == "__main__": 97     task_dictionary = {"A": [10, 30], 98                        "B": [25, 75], 99                        "C": [30, 90],}100     current_time = 0101     name_list = []102     period_time = []103     central_processing_unit_time = []104     remain_time = []105     current_period = []106     laxity_time = []107     tcb = TaskControlBlock(task_dictionary,108                            name_list,109                            period_time,110                            central_processing_unit_time,111                            remain_time,112                            current_period,113                            laxity_time)
LLF Module技术分享图片
 1 #!/user/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3  4 import sys 5 import EarliestDeadlineFirst 6 import LeastLaxityFirst 7  8  9 class GetCloseTime:10     """ design the close time by itself """11     def __init__(self, dictionary):12         self.dictionary = dictionary13 14     def greatest_common_divisor(self, _left, _right):15         return _left if _right == 0 else self.greatest_common_divisor(_right, _left % _right)16 17     def lowest_common_multiple(self):18         temp_result = 119         for value in self.dictionary.values():20             temp_result = value[1] * temp_result / self.greatest_common_divisor(value[1], temp_result)21         return temp_result22 23 24 class TimeError(Exception):25     """26     Self-defined Exception :27         Judging whether the processing time and cycle of real-time tasks satisfy the conditions28     """29     def __init__(self, message):30         self.message = message31 32 def is_execute(dictionary):33     sum = 034     for value in dictionary.values():35         sum += value[0] / value[1]36     return sum37 38 if __name__ == "__main__":39     task_dictionary = {"A": [10, 30],40                        "B": [20, 60],41                        "C": [30, 90]}42     if is_execute(task_dictionary) > 1:43         raise TimeError("error, scheduling finish!")44     user_choose = input("Please enter your choice"45                         "(1 : EarlistDeadlineFirist) or (2 : LeastLaxityFirst) : ")46     close_time_object = GetCloseTime(task_dictionary)47     close_time = close_time_object.lowest_common_multiple()48     if int(user_choose) == 1:49         current_time = 050         name_list = []51         period_time = []52         central_processing_unit_time = []53         remain_time = []54         current_period = []55         tcb = EarliestDeadlineFirst.TaskControlBlock(task_dictionary,56                                name_list,57                                period_time,58                                central_processing_unit_time,59                                remain_time,60                                current_period)61 62 63         while tcb.CURRENT_TIME < close_time:64             tcb.scheduling(name_list,65                            period_time,66                            central_processing_unit_time,67                            remain_time,68                            current_period)69     else:70         current_time = 071         name_list = []72         period_time = []73         central_processing_unit_time = []74         remain_time = []75         current_period = []76         laxity_time = []77         tcb = LeastLaxityFirst.TaskControlBlock(task_dictionary,78                                name_list,79                                period_time,80                                central_processing_unit_time,81                                remain_time,82                                current_period,83                                laxity_time)84         while tcb.CURRENT_TIME < close_time:85             tcb.scheduling(name_list,86                            period_time,87                            central_processing_unit_time,88                            remain_time,89                            current_period,90                            laxity_time)

