


  1 import urllib.request  2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  3 import re  4 import time  5 import _thread  6   7 # Input your Url here####################################  8 BaseURL = ‘‘  9 ######################################################### 10 TaxURL = ".html" 11  12 #Input your data-saving path ############################ 13 SavePath = "" 14 ######################################################### 15  16 #Input your threads count ############################### 17 thread_count = 1 18 ######################################################### 19  20 #Set each spider will spy how many pages ################ 21 thread_spy_count_ench = 5 22 ######################################################### 23 def mkdir(path): 24     # Create the directory 25     import os 26     path=path.strip() 27     path=path.rstrip("\\") 28     isExists=os.path.exists(path) 29     if not isExists: 30         os.makedirs(path) 31         return True 32     else: 33         return False 34  35 def download(start, count): 36     #Spider main 37     for i in range(start,start + count): 38         try: 39             #DEBUG################################################## 40             #print("[INFO] Connecting to page #" + str(i) + "...") 41             ######################################################## 42              43             #Used to record time 44             time_start=time.time() 45              46             #Construct url 47             #This only work like 48             # 49             # 50             # 51             TargetURL = BaseURL + str(i) + TaxURL 52              53              54             #create Request object 55             req = urllib.request.Request(TargetURL) 56             #create headers using general header, you could find this by Fiddler(R) or by Chrome(R) 57             req.add_header(‘Host‘,‘‘)    #Your Host, usally set as url-base 58             req.add_header(‘Referer‘,TargetURL)        #Your Referer, usally set as url 59             req.add_header(‘User-Agent‘, ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/JRO03D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166  Safari/535.19‘) 60             #finishing create Request object 61              62             #get information 63             res = urllib.request.urlopen(req) 64             #decode the html 65             soup = BeautifulSoup(res,"html.parser") 66             ############################################################## 67             #add your functions  here.... 68              69             #operate_data(data) 70              71             #soup find div to get inforamtion. 72             #soup is able to opreate html tag very easily, by using soup.find(...) 73             ############################################################## 74              75             #Change saving path here. 76             savetarget = SavePath 77              78             #trying to saving files 79             try: 80                 #create directory if it doesn‘t existed 81                 mkdir(SavePath+"\\"+str(zone)+"\\") 82                 #using open... 83                 f = open(savetarget,‘w‘) 84                  85                 #edit this 86                 f.write("data") 87                  88             except Exception as e: 89                 time_end=time.time() 90                 print("  [Failed] - #" + str(i) + " Error : " + str(e)) 91             else: 92              93                 time_end=time.time() 94                 print("  [Succeed] - #" + str(i) + " has saved to path.("+str(time_end-time_start)+"s)") 95  96             pass 97         except Exception as e: 98             print("  [Global Failure] - #" + str(i) + " Error : " + str(e)) 99             pass100 101 102 103 #if __name__ == __main__:104 try:105     #Multithreading106     print("Spidering webiste...")107     print("Current configuration :")108     print("--Will create " + str(thread_count) + "threads to access.")109     print("--Will save to " + SavePath)110     print("-------------START---------------------------")111     # press any key to continue112     # this won‘t work under linux113     import os114     os.system(‘pause‘)115     try:116         for i in range(0,thread_count):117             print("[Thread #"+ str (i) +"] started successfully")118             _thread.start_new_thread(download, (thread_spy_count_ench * i,thread_spy_count_ench))119     except Exception as e:120         print("[Threading@" + str(i) +"] Error:"+ str(e))121 except Exception as e:122    print("[Global Failure] Error:"+ str(e))123 while 1:124    pass



    文本获取是指对页面的<div class=‘content‘>...</div>中的内容进行获取,这是前提。如果不同需要更改。



1             <div class="content" style="text-align: left">2             基础内容3             </div>



 1 passages_div = soup.find(‘div‘) 2 passages_set = passages_div.findAll(attrs={"class":"content"}) 3 for passages in passages_set: 4     article = str(passages) 5     #文字处理 6     article = article.replace(‘<div class="content" style="text-align: left">‘, ‘‘) 7     article = article.replace(u‘\ue505‘, u‘ ‘)#对Unicode的空格进行处理,如果不处理gbk无法编码 8     article = article.replace(u‘\ue4c6‘, u‘ ‘) 9     article = article.replace(u‘\xa0‘, u‘ ‘)10     article = article.replace(‘<br/>‘, ‘\n‘)11     article = article.replace(‘</div>‘, ‘‘)12     savetarget = ‘D:\test\test.txt‘13     try:14         mkdir(‘D:\test\‘)15         f = open(savetarget,‘w‘)16         f.write(article)17     except Exception as e:18         print("  [Failed] - "+ str(e))19     else:20         time_end=time.time()21         print("  [Succeed] - saved to path.")22 23 pass


    图片获取一般是通过对网页上的<img src="">Hello</img>中src上的内容进行下载操作



