
本文由 编橙之家 - Ree Ray 翻译,sunshinebuel 校稿。未经许可,禁止转载!
英文出处:Jacob Plaster。欢迎加入翻译组。



在我全力搜索互联网上来研究奇迹般的机器学习的同时,我偶然发现了个 github 上的项目,使用了递归神经网络(recurrent neural network)来模仿莎士比亚的写作风格。我喜欢这个想法,所以也试着创造一个几乎完全不一样属于我自己的版本。我决定使用 scikit 这个机器学习库。这是因为它使用和配置起来都特别顺手。

Scikit 同样有着庞大的社区,里面包含了大量的教程,还有许多可以用来训练你自己的神经网络的样本数据集(example datasets )。我创建的这个写手使用了多重支持向量机(SVM)引擎。一个向量机(vector machine)用来对句子结构化,多个小型向量机用对应从词汇表中选取单词算法。


句式结构化非常成功,我目前使用的算法结果准确率已经很高了。这个阶段中最打的障碍就是将训练数据归一化(normals)。我使用了 NLTK 这个自然语言的库来将训练数据转化成词性标签(phrase identifiers),例如:NN(名词),DET(限定词),$(标志)等等。


["The", "cat", "jumped"] = ['DET', 'NN', 'VP]


['DET', 'NN', 'VP] = [0.2237823, 0.82392, 0.342323]

现在我只需要得到一个目标归一化后的值(target normal),并且将它代入神经网络中开始训练即可。从 二进制大型对象(BLOB)中读取文本时,训练用词就是二进制大型对象中的下一个词,因此:

["The", "cat", "jumped"]["towards"] = ['DET', 'NN', 'VP]["PRP"] = [0.2237823, 0.82392, 0.342323][0.12121212]

接下来要做的是拿到大量 J.K Rowling《Harry Potter》的资源并且准备开始模仿她的句式结构。



词汇以词序矩阵的形式包含在训练用的 BLOB 文件中。每个词分解成了词性标签接着进行归一化。归一化后的值和词汇依然被保留着,因为稍后将归一化的值转换回单词依然要利用此作为映射表。词汇看起来像这样:

[[(cat, [0.232342]), (bat, [0.2553535]), (dog, [0.345454]), (horse, [0.4544646]) ... ]
[(run, [0.12131], (jump, 0.232323), (fall, 0.43443434) ... ]


使用 HarryPotter(small).txt

这个数据集包含了 346 个训练向量(training vectors)。是一个最小的训练集。

Input: "Harry dont look"
Output: "Harry dont look had at eleven for witches had been for eleven then with nothing had been for eleven then with nothing had been for eleven then with nothing had been for eleven "

Input: "Wizards sometimes do"
Output: "wizards sometimes do , Harry had been been , Harry had been been , Harry had been been , Harry had been been , Harry had been been , Harry had been been "


使用 HarryPotter(medium).txt

数据集包含了 2500 个训练向量。

Input: "Harry don't look"
Output: "Harry don't look , incredibly that a year for been parents in . followers , Harry , and Potter was been curse . Harry was up a year , Harry was been curse "

Input: "Wizards sometimes do"
Output: "wizards sometimes do parents."


使用 HarryPotter(large).txt

数据集包含了 4550 个训练向量。

Input: "Harry don't look"
Output: "Harry don't look Petunia Harry , incredibly had on the address."
Now, apart form a missing full-stop in-between 'Petunia' and 'Harry' the sentence structure is almost prefect.

Input: "Wizards sometimes do"
Output: "Wizards sometimes do the address on the address on the address."
Here, the increase in training data has given a negative result. This is rare.

使用 MacbookAirBlog(large).txt

我随便在一个博客上拿到了一份文本。出乎意料的是这个数据集常常能产生更精确的结果。让我们看看。数据集中包含了 3576 个训练向量。

Input: "Harry don't look"
Output: "Harry don't look , also of a scaling on playing . Use for Control weight goes so cable and they've of placed it . you do to want things at at 2015."

Input: "Wizards sometimes do"
Output: "Wizards sometimes do When ports a scaling the have object , also of a scaling on playing ."

结果是正确的,但词汇有限。10,000 以上训练向量的数据集马上要来了。


程序生成了非常准确的结果当我们试着对下一个顺序的词进行预测。但是当大量序列开始生成后,准确率就下降了。我创建了一个单元测试用来比较生成的下一个词与 J.K Rowling 实际创作中的词。我得到了下面的结果:

Failed Tests: (6/48)
[('very', 'RB'), ('likely', 'JJ'), ('replace', 'NN')]   Target: [('the', 'DT')]    Prediction: ['.'] 20.0%
[('entirely', 'RB'), ('once', 'RB'), ('Apple', 'NNP')]   Target: [('is', 'VBZ')]    Prediction: ['RBS'] 20.0%
[('once', 'RB'), ('Apple', 'NNP'), ('is', 'VBZ')]   Target: [('able', 'JJ')]    Prediction: ['RBR'] 20.0%
[('able', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('bring', 'VB')]   Target: [('its', 'PRP$')]    Prediction: ['RP'] 20.0%
[('down', 'IN'), ('enough', 'RB'), (',', ',')]   Target: [('though', 'IN')]    Prediction: ['VBN'] 20.0%
[('though', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('may', 'MD')]   Target: [('take', 'VB')]    Prediction: ['.'] 20.0%

Non-Fatal failed Tests: (24/48)
[('The', 'DT'), ('12-inch', 'JJ'), ('Retina', 'NNP')]   Target: [('MacBook', 'NN')]    Prediction: [','] 40.0%
[('Retina', 'NNP'), ('MacBook', 'NNP'), ('is', 'VBZ')]   Target: [('Apple', 'NNP')]    Prediction: ['IN'] 40.0%
[('MacBook', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('Apple', 'NNP')]   Target: [("'", 'POS')]    Prediction: ['IN'] 40.0%
[('Apple', 'NNP'), ("'", 'POS'), ('s', 'NNS')]   Target: [('latest', 'JJS')]    Prediction: ['VBP'] 40.0%
[("'", 'POS'), ('s', 'NNS'), ('latest', 'JJS')]   Target: [('and', 'CC')]    Prediction: ['IN'] 40.0%
[('latest', 'JJS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('greatest', 'JJS')]   Target: [('notebook', 'NN')]    Prediction: ['.'] 60.0%
[('and', 'CC'), ('greatest', 'JJS'), ('notebook', 'NN')]   Target: [(',', ',')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%
[('greatest', 'JJS'), ('notebook', 'NN'), (',', ',')]   Target: [('and', 'CC')]    Prediction: ['DT'] 40.0%
[('notebook', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('and', 'CC')]   Target: [('will', 'MD')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%
[('and', 'CC'), ('will', 'MD'), ('very', 'RB')]   Target: [('likely', 'JJ')]    Prediction: [','] 40.0%
[('will', 'MD'), ('very', 'RB'), ('likely', 'JJ')]   Target: [('replace', 'NN')]    Prediction: ['TO'] 40.0%
[('the', 'DT'), ('MacBook', 'NNP'), ('Air', 'NNP')]   Target: [('entirely', 'RB')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%
[('MacBook', 'NN'), ('Air', 'NNP'), ('entirely', 'RB')]   Target: [('once', 'RB')]    Prediction: ['VBZ'] 60.0%
[('Air', 'NNP'), ('entirely', 'RB'), ('once', 'RB')]   Target: [('Apple', 'NNP')]    Prediction: ['RB'] 40.0%
[('Apple', 'NNP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('able', 'JJ')]   Target: [('to', 'TO')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%
[('to', 'TO'), ('bring', 'VB'), ('its', 'PRP$')]   Target: [('costs', 'NNS')]    Prediction: ['VB'] 40.0%
[('its', 'PRP$'), ('costs', 'NNS'), ('down', 'IN')]   Target: [('enough', 'RB')]    Prediction: ['DT'] 40.0%
[('costs', 'NNS'), ('down', 'RB'), ('enough', 'RB')]   Target: [(',', ',')]    Prediction: ['RB'] 40.0%
[(',', ','), ('though', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT')]   Target: [('may', 'MD')]    Prediction: ['JJS'] 40.0%
[('a', 'DT'), ('few', 'JJ'), ('generations', 'NNS')]   Target: [('.', '.')]    Prediction: ['VBP'] 60.0%
[('few', 'JJ'), ('generations', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]   Target: [('It', 'PRP')]    Prediction: ['WRB'] 40.0%
[('.', '.'), ('It', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ')]   Target: [('fresh', 'JJ')]    Prediction: ['DT'] 40.0%
[('It', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('fresh', 'JJ')]   Target: [('on', 'IN')]    Prediction: ['TO'] 60.0%
[('is', 'VBZ'), ('fresh', 'JJ'), ('on', 'IN')]   Target: [('the', 'DT')]    Prediction: ['JJ'] 40.0%

Passed Tests: (14/48)
[('12-inch', 'JJ'), ('Retina', 'NNP'), ('MacBook', 'NNP')]   Target: [('is', 'VBZ')]    Prediction: ['NNP'] 100.0%
[('is', 'VBZ'), ('Apple', 'NNP'), ("'", 'POS')]   Target: [('s', 'NNS')]    Prediction: ['NNP'] 40.0%
[('s', 'NNS'), ('latest', 'VBP'), ('and', 'CC')]   Target: [('greatest', 'JJS')]    Prediction: ['JJ'] 40.0%
[(',', ','), ('and', 'CC'), ('will', 'MD')]   Target: [('very', 'RB')]    Prediction: ['RB'] 20.0%
[('likely', 'JJ'), ('replace', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT')]   Target: [('MacBook', 'NN')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%
[('replace', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('MacBook', 'NNP')]   Target: [('Air', 'NNP')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%
[('is', 'VBZ'), ('able', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO')]   Target: [('bring', 'VBG')]    Prediction: ['VB'] 60.0%
[('bring', 'VBG'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('costs', 'NNS')]   Target: [('down', 'IN')]    Prediction: ['IN'] 40.0%
[('enough', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('though', 'IN')]   Target: [('this', 'DT')]    Prediction: ['DT'] 40.0%
[('this', 'DT'), ('may', 'MD'), ('take', 'VB')]   Target: [('a', 'DT')]    Prediction: ['DT'] 40.0%
[('may', 'MD'), ('take', 'VB'), ('a', 'DT')]   Target: [('few', 'JJ')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 80.0%
[('take', 'VB'), ('a', 'DT'), ('few', 'JJ')]   Target: [('generations', 'NNS')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%
[('generations', 'NNS'), ('.', '.'), ('It', 'PRP')]   Target: [('is', 'VBZ')]    Prediction: ['VBP'] 40.0%
[('fresh', 'JJ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT')]   Target: [('market', 'NN')]    Prediction: ['NN'] 40.0%

Passed: 14   Non-Fatals: 24   Fails: 6
Network accuracy: 13.6%


python3 main.py -utss -td "Datasets/MacbookAirBlog(large).txt"


Failed Tests: (19/46)
(12-inch, JJ)        Target: MacBook        Pred: Retina    20.0%
(latest, JJS)        Target: greatest        Pred: heaviest    20.0%
(and, CC)        Target: notebook        Pred: faster    20.0%
(MacBook, NNP)        Target: entirely        Pred: now    20.0%
(Air, NNP)        Target: once        Pred: now    20.0%
(entirely, RB)        Target: Apple        Pred: micro-USB    20.0%
(once, RB)        Target: is        Pred: theres    20.0%
(Apple, NNP)        Target: able        Pred: want    20.0%
(its, PRP$)        Target: down        Pred: on    20.0%
(costs, NNS)        Target: enough        Pred: portable    20.0%
(enough, JJ)        Target: though        Pred: of    20.0%
(though, IN)        Target: may        Pred: can    20.0%
(this, DT)        Target: take        Pred: have    20.0%
(may, MD)        Target: a        Pred: the    20.0%
(take, VB)        Target: few        Pred: later    20.0%
(a, DT)        Target: generations        Pred: thats    20.0%
(It, PRP)        Target: fresh        Pred: same    20.0%
(is, VBZ)        Target: on        Pred: in    20.0%
(on, IN)        Target: market        Pred: playing    20.0%

Non-Fatal failed Tests: (13/46)
(,, ,)        Target: 12-inch        Pred: many    40.0%
(The, DT)        Target: Retina        Pred: MacBook    40.0%
(MacBook, NNP)        Target: Apples        Pred: X    40.0%
(is, VBZ)        Target: latest        Pred: best    40.0%
(Apples, NNP)        Target: and        Pred: but    40.0%
(,, ,)        Target: will        Pred: can    60.0%
(and, CC)        Target: very        Pred: not    60.0%
(will, MD)        Target: likely        Pred: easy    40.0%
(very, RB)        Target: replace        Pred: power    40.0%
(the, DT)        Target: Air        Pred: MacBook    40.0%
(able, JJ)        Target: bring        Pred: be    40.0%
(to, TO)        Target: its        Pred: my    60.0%
(bring, VB)        Target: costs        Pred: things    40.0%

Passed Tests: (13/46)
(Retina, NNP)        Target: is        Pred: is   40.0%
(greatest, JJS)        Target: ,        Pred: ,   60.0%
(notebook, NN)        Target: and        Pred: and   80.0%
(likely, JJ)        Target: the        Pred: the   100.0%
(replace, NN)        Target: MacBook        Pred: MacBook   20.0%
(is, VBZ)        Target: to        Pred: to   60.0%
(down, IN)        Target: ,        Pred: ,   100.0%
(,, ,)        Target: this        Pred: the   80.0%
(few, JJ)        Target: .        Pred: .   100.0%
(generations, NNS)        Target: It        Pred: It   60.0%
(., .)        Target: is        Pred: is   40.0%
(fresh, JJ)        Target: the        Pred: the   100.0%
(the, DT)        Target: ,        Pred: ,   100.0%

Passed: 13   Non-Fatals: 13   Fails: 19

python3 main.py -utv -td "Datasets/MacbookAirBlog(large).txt"

如果预估(prediction estimation)超过 80% 就会被归为“通过(passed)”。



如果你想查看这个项目,你可以在 github 上看到。




