
#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport sys'''简单的购物菜单,根据输入的金额,减去选择的商品得到剩下的金额,一旦省下的金额小于所有的商品价格,提示余额不足'''product = []price = []f = open('act.txt')for line in f.readlines():    p = line.split()[0]    pp = line.split()[1]    product.append(p)    price.append(int(pp))f.close()shop_list =[]while True:    try:        money = int(raw_input("How money you have:"))        break    except ValueError:        print "wrong enter"while True:    for p in product:        print p,price[product.index(p)]    print "buy sth~"    choose = raw_input("please enter which one you buy:").strip()    if choose == "quit":            sys.exit()    if choose in product:            product_price = price[product.index(choose)]            if money > product_price:                shop_list.append(choose)                print "Add %s into your basket" % choose                money = money - product_price                print "you have %s money to buy sth" % money            else:                if money < min(price):                    print "go home baby,there is no money to afford sth"                    print "%s to buy successful" % shop_list                    sys.exit()                else:                    print "you can't afford this product"
