

#!/usr/local/python/bin# coding=utf-8'''A simple interface to execute shell commands.These ideas are taken from fabric/operations.py.Examples 1: execute local command    # import command    # out = command.local('uname -r')    # print out.stdout    2.6.32    # print out.stderr    ''    # print out.succeeded    TrueExample 2: execute command in remote host through ssh    # import command    # out = command.remote('10.x.x.x', 'uname -r')    # print out.stdout    2.6.32'''__author__ = 'tuantuan.lv <dangoakachan@foxmail.com>'import subprocess# Taken from web/utils.pyclass Storage(dict):    """    A Storage object is like a dictionary except `obj.foo` can be used    in addition to `obj['foo']`.        >>> o = storage(a=1)        >>> o.a        1        >>> o['a']        1        >>> o.a = 2        >>> o['a']        2        >>> del o.a        >>> o.a        Traceback (most recent call last):            ...        AttributeError: 'a'    """    def __getattr__(self, key):        try:            return self[key]        except KeyError, k:            raise AttributeError, k    def __setattr__(self, key, value):        self[key] = value    def __delattr__(self, key):        try:            del self[key]        except KeyError, k:            raise AttributeError, k    def __repr__(self):        return '<Storage ' + dict.__repr__(self) + '>'def remote(ip, cmd, capture = True, timeout = None):    ssh = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=quiet -o BatchMode=yes"    if timeout is not None:        ssh += ' -o ConnectTimeout=%d' % timeout    cmd = '%s %s "%s"' % (ssh, ip, cmd)    return local(cmd, capture)def local(cmd, capture = True, shell = None):    out_stream = subprocess.PIPE if capture else None    err_stream = subprocess.PIPE if capture else None    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell = True, stdout = out_stream,            stderr = err_stream, executable = shell)    (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()    out = Storage()    out.stdout = stdout.strip() if stdout else ""    out.stderr = stderr.strip() if stdout else ""    out.cmd = cmd    out.failed = False    out.return_code = p.returncode    if p.returncode != 0:        out.failed = True    out.succeeded = not out.failed    return out
