

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import wximport wx.lib.filebrowsebutton as filebrowseimport osimport os.pathimport stringimport codecscodingUTF = 'utf8'codingGBK = 'gbk'address = ''class iFrame(wx.Frame):    def __init__(self, parent, title):        super(iFrame, self).__init__(parent, title = title,            size = (455, 130), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX ^ wx.RESIZE_BORDER)        self.dirAddress = ''        self.unknow = ' \r\n unknow \r\n ------------ \r\n'        self.mingDan = ''        self.listStu = {}        self.InitUI()        self.Centre()        self.Show()       def InitUI(self):                        panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)        contrainBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)        hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)        dbb = filebrowse.DirBrowseButton(panel, -1, size = (450, -1), changeCallback = self.dbbCallback)        hbox1.Add(dbb)        contrainBox.Add(hbox1)        hbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)        startBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, label = "Start")        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.startBtnE, startBtn)        openBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, label = "Open")        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.openBtnE, openBtn)        hbox2.Add(startBtn,flag = wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT)        hbox2.Add(openBtn,flag = wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT)        contrainBox.Add(hbox2, flag = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.TOP, border = 10)        panel.SetSizer(contrainBox)    def calculate(self, address):        self.listStu = self.readListOfStudent(self.mingDan)        self.loopIt(address)        self.writeMingDan(self.mingDan, self.convert_disc_string(self.listStu)+ self.unknow)        wx.MessageDialog(None, 'finished!', " ", wx.OK).ShowModal()        self.openWithNotepad(self.mingDan)    def createMenuBar(self):        menuBar = wx.MenuBar()        helpMenu = wx.Menu()        menuBar.Append(helpMenu, '&Help')        self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)    def helpMenuCallback(self, e):        pass    def dbbCallback(self, e):        if not os.path.isdir(e.GetString().strip()):            wx.MessageDialog(None, u"必须是目录", " ", wx.OK).ShowModal()            e.SetValue(self,'')        else :            self.dirAddress = e.GetString().strip()            self.mingDan = self.returnMingDan(self.dirAddress)    def startBtnE(self,e):        if not self.checkFileAndAlert(self.mingDan) :            return        else :            self.calculate(self.dirAddress)    #打开名单       def openBtnE(self, e):        if self.checkFileAndAlert(self.mingDan):            pass        else:            self.openWithNotepad(self.mingDan)    #使用notepad打开    def openWithNotepad(self, address):        os.system('notepad ' + address.encode(codingGBK))    #名单不存在,则警告    def checkFileAndAlert(self, fileAddress):        if not os.path.exists(fileAddress):            wx.MessageDialog(None, u'名单不存在', u"注意", wx.OK).ShowModal()            return False        else:            return True    #读取名单进入字典中    def readListOfStudent(self, md):        listStu = {}        with open(md, "r") as f:            for line in f.readlines() :                txt = line.strip().decode(codingUTF)                listStu[txt] = 0        return listStu    #遍历文件并统计分数,写入字典    def loopIt(self, address):        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(address):            baseName = self.pullChinese(os.path.basename(dirpath).strip())            #是否给学生加分的规则            if len(baseName) == 0:                self.unknow += dirpath.strip()+'\r\n'            if self.listStu.has_key(baseName) and filenames:                self.listStu[baseName] += 1    #写入文件    def writeMingDan(self, where, what):        with open(where, "w") as f:            f.write(what.encode(codingUTF))            f.flush()    #将字典转成字符串    def convert_disc_string(self, disc):        txt = ''        for (k,v) in disc.items():            txt += '%s\t%s \r\n' % (k,v)        return txt    #抽取中文    def pullChinese(self, txt):        ret_str = []        for s in txt:            if self.is_cn_char(s):                ret_str.append(s)        return "".join(ret_str)    def is_cn_char(self, i):         return 0x4e00 <= ord(i) < 0x9fa6    #检测名单路径是否合法    def checkMingDanAndDialog():        pass    #返回名单    def returnMingDan(self, address):         return os.path.join(address, address.split(os.path.sep)[-1] + '.txt')if __name__ == '__main__':    app = wx.App()    iFrame(None, title=u'文件统计')    app.MainLoop()
