python Web 框架bottle超清晰使用范例,pythonbottle,#coding: utf

#coding: utf-8from bottle import route, error, post, get, run, static_file, abort, redirect, response, request, template@route('/')@route('/index.html')def index():    return '<a href="/hello">Go to Hello World page</a>'@route('/hello')def hello():    return '<h1>HELLO WOLRD</h1>'@route('/hello/:name')def hello_name(name):    page = request.GET.get('page', '1')    return '<h1>HELLO %s <br/>(%s)</h1>' % (name, page)@route('/static/:filename')def serve_static(filename):    return static_file(filename, root='/home/arthur/workspace/my_python_codes/src/')@route('/raise_error')def raise_error():    abort(404, "error...")@route('/redirect')def redirect_to_hello():    redirect('/hello')@route('/ajax')def ajax_response():    return {'dictionary': 'you will see ajax response right? Content-Type will be "application/json"'}@error(404)def error404(error):    return '404 error !!!!!'@get('/upload')def upload_view():    return """        <form action="/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">          <input type="text" name="name" />          <input type="file" name="data" />          <input type="submit" name="submit" value="upload now" />        </form>        """    @post('/upload')def do_upload():    name = request.forms.get('name')    data = request.files.get('data')    if name is not None and data is not None:        raw = # small files =.=        filename = data.filename        return "Hello %s! You uploaded %s (%d bytes)." % (name, filename, len(raw))    return "You missed a field."@route('/tpl')def tpl():    return template('test')run(host='localhost', port=8000, reloader=True)
