

用ue打开Evt文?,找到 0x11111111222222223333333344444444 ?之後16bytes抄下,呃16bytes?在0x28000000前,回到?钷,把呃16bytes?第17byte檫始覆?到32byte,最後在改第37byte的值?0x08,就可以坐咄事件??器了。

系统环境: win7 pro x64 + python 2.7 x64

import os, sysimport binasciiimport timedef convertfile(infile, outfile):    fread = open(infile, "rb")      findedstr = ""    while 1:        strpart = fread.read(8192).encode('hex')        '''if at the end or less than 32 char'''        if strpart == "" or len(strpart) < 32 :            break        strposition = strpart.find("11111111222222223333333344444444")        if strposition <> -1:            '''if pos at end'''            remainstrlen = len(strpart)-strposition - 32            if remainstrlen < 64:                findedstr = strpart[strposition+32:] + fread.read((64-remainstrlen)/2).encode('hex')            else:                findedstr = strpart[strposition+32:strposition+64]            break        '''get top32 char and end32 char'''        prepartendstr = strpart[-64:]        '''read next 64 char'''        nextpartstartstr = fread.read(64).encode('hex')        joinstr = prepartendstr + nextpartstartstr        strposition = joinstr.find("11111111222222223333333344444444")        if strposition <> -1:            remainstrlen = len()-strposition-32            if remainstrlen < 64:                findedstr = strpart[strposition+32:] + fread.read((64-remainstrlen)/2).encode('hex')            else:                findedstr = strpart[strposition+32:strposition+64]            break        fread.seek(-64,1)    fread.close()        print "String find: %s"%findedstr    '''reread and write to new file'''    reread = open(infile, "rb")    fwrite = open(outfile, "wb")    partcount = 1    while 1:        instr = reread.read(8192)           if instr == "" :            break        if partcount <> 1:            fwrite.write(instr)        else:            instr = instr.encode('hex')            instr = instr[:32] + findedstr + instr[64:]            instr = instr[:72] + "08" + instr[74:]            fwrite.write(instr.decode('hex'))        partcount += 1    fwrite.close()    reread.close()    if __name__ == "__main__":    if len(sys.argv) == 1 :        infilepath = raw_input("Please input the path of EVT file -> ")        outfilepath = infilepath[:infilepath.rfind(".")] + ".new.Evt"    elif len(sys.argv) == 2 :        infilepath = sys.argv[1]        outfilepath = infilepath[:infilepath.rfind(".")] + ".new.Evt"    elif len(sys.argv) == 3:        infilepath = sys.argv[1]        outfilepath = sys.argv[2]    else:        print "Error args ."        raw_input("")        sys.exit()    starttime = time.time()        print "Running..."    convertfile(infilepath, outfilepath)    print "Done ."       endtime = time.time()    print "Time used: ",(endtime - starttime)," s"#该片段来自于http://byrx.net
