py求奇异值与特征值及其之间的关系验证,py特征值验证,from numpy i

from numpy import arrayfrom numpy import eye,dot,zeros,sortfrom scipy.linalg import svd,inv,eigif __name__=='__main__':    m=array([[1,0,0,0,2],             [0,0,3,0,0],             [0,0,0,0,0],             [0,4,0,0,0]])    #py的svd得出的d是一个数组    u,d,vt=svd(m)    print '---test svd---'    print u    #为了验证,构造dz矩阵,其为m*n的(4*5)    #这里注意dz的构造方式    dz=zeros(vt.shape[0])    dz[:len(d)]+=d    #ndarray的*和matrix*是不同的,matrix的*对应dot    print eye(len(d),vt.shape[0])*dz    t=dot(u,eye(len(d),vt.shape[0])*dz)    print dot(t,vt) #should be equal to m    print '---test inv---'    print inv(u)    print inv(vt)    print '---test mt*m---'    ms=dot(m.T,m)    print ms    #eig可以求方阵的特征值与特征向量    evals, evecs = eig(ms)    #    sevals=sort(evals)[::-1]    v=vt.T    print sevals    print dz**2    print '---test at*t=lamb_i*vi---'    for i in range(len(sevals)):        print dot(ms,vt[i])        print sevals[i]*vt[i]        print ''#该片段来自于
