python tic-tac 改进输出版本,pythontic-tac,def print_bo

def print_board():    print    print    print '*'*50    for i in range(0,3):        for j in range(0,3):            if map[i][j] != " ":                print map[i][j],            else:                print "%d" %(i*3+j+1),            if j != 2:                print "|",        print ""    print '*'*50def check_done():    for i in range(0,3):        if map[i][0] == map[i][1] == map[i][2] != " " \\        or map[0][i] == map[1][i] == map[2][i] != " ":            print turn, "won!!!"            return True    if map[0][0] == map[1][1] == map[2][2] != " " \\    or map[0][2] == map[1][1] == map[2][0] != " ":        print turn, "won!!!"        return True    if " " not in map[0] and " " not in map[1] and " " not in map[2]:        print "Draw"        return True    return Falsedef help():    print "*" *76    print "*" *76    print "**  Welcome to the tic-tac world,it's modified by me(hunter xue).         **"    print "**  the origin source is here:                                            **"    print "**  \\"\\"                  **"    print "**  Hope you enjoy this simple game                                       **"    print "*" *76    print "*" *76turn = "X"map = [[" "," "," "],       [" "," "," "],       [" "," "," "]]done = Falsehelp()while done != True:    print_board()    print    print turn, "'s turn=>",    moved = False    while moved != True:        try:            pos = input("Select: ")            if pos <=9 and pos >=1:                Y = pos/3                X = pos%3                if X != 0:                    X -=1                else:                     X = 2                     Y -=1                if map[Y][X] == " ":                    map[Y][X] = turn                    moved = True                    done = check_done()                    if done == False:                        if turn == "X":                            turn = "O"                        else:                            turn = "X"                else:                    print "The position is occupied by ",turn            else:                print "You need to add a numeric value between 1-9"        except:            print "You need to add a numeric value between 1-9"#该片段来自于
