
#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport random import cPickle class Hangman(object):    '''A simple hangman game that tries to improve your vocabulary a bit '''    def __init__(self):        # the variables used, this is not necessary        self.dumpfile = ''       #the dictionary file        self.dictionary = {}     #the pickled dict        self.words = []          #list of words used        self.secret_word = ''    #the 'key'        self.length = 0          #length of the 'key'        self.keys = []           #inputs that match the 'key'        self.used_keys = []      #keys that are already used        self.guess = ''          #player's guess        self.mistakes = 0        #number of incorrect inputs        return self.load_dict()    #insert some random hints for the player    def insert_random(self, length):        randint = random.randint        # 3 hints        if length >= 7: hint = 3        else: hint = 1        for x in xrange(hint):                a = randint(1, length - 1)                self.keys[a-1] = self.secret_word[a-1]    def test_input(self):        #if the guessed letter matches        if self.guess in self.secret_word:            indexes = [i for i, item in enumerate(self.secret_word) if item == self.guess]            for index in indexes:                self.keys[index] = self.guess                self.used_keys.append(self.guess)                print "used letters ",set(self.used_keys),'\n'        #if the guessed letter didn't match        else:            self.used_keys.append(self.guess)            self.mistakes += 1            print "used letters ",set(self.used_keys),'\n'    # load the pickled word dictionary and unpickle them        def load_dict(self):        try :            self.dumpfile = open("~/python/hangman/wordsdict.pkl", "r")        except IOError:            print "Couldn't find the file 'wordsdict.pkl'"            quit()        self.dictionary = cPickle.load(self.dumpfile)        self.words = self.dictionary.keys()        self.dumpfile.close()        return self.prepare_word()    #randomly choose a word for the challenge    def prepare_word(self):        self.secret_word = random.choice(self.words)        #don't count trailing spaces        self.length = len(self.secret_word.rstrip())        self.keys = ['_' for x in xrange(self.length)]        self.insert_random(self.length)        return self.ask()    #display the challenge    def ask(self):        print ' '.join(self.keys), ":", self.dictionary[self.secret_word]         print         return self.input_loop()    #take input from the player    def input_loop(self):        #four self.mistakes are allowed        chances = len(set(self.secret_word)) + 4                  while chances != 0 and self.mistakes < 5:            try:                self.guess = raw_input("> ")            except EOFError:                exit(1)            self.test_input()            print ' '.join(self.keys)            if '_' not in self.keys:                print 'well done!'                break            chances -= 1        if self.mistakes > 4: print 'the word was', ''.join(self.secret_word).upper()        return self.quit_message()    def quit_message(self):        print "\n"        print "Press 'c' to continue, or any other key to quit the game. "        print "You can always quit the game by pressing 'Ctrl+D'"        try:            command = raw_input('> ')            if command == 'c': return self.__init__() #loopback            else : exit(0)        except EOFError: exit(1)if __name__ == '__main__':    game = Hangman()    game.__init__()
