python使用pyPdf裁切pdf文件,,This recipe

This recipe was originally posted by sjvr767 on and I decided to also make it available here.

It uses pypdf (

The script is supposed to be run like this:" -m "120 50 120 180" -i mypdf.pdf

where the margins are left top right bottom

To install pyPdf try easy_install pypdf.

#! /usr/bin/python# Originally found on getopt, sysfrom pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReaderdef usage ():    print """sjvr767\'s PDF Cropping -s -p 0.5 -i input.pdf -o --skip --percent 0.5 -input input.pdf -output output.pdf\nREQUIRED OPTIONS:-p\t--percentThe factor by which to crop. Must be positive and less than or equal to 1.-i\t--inputThe path to the file to be cropped.\nOPTIONAL:-s\t--skipSkip the first page. Ouptut file will not contain the first page of the input file.-o\t--outputSpecify the name and path of the output file. If none specified, the script appends \'cropped\' to the file name.-m\t--marginSpecify additional absolute cropping, for fine tuning results.\t-m "left top right bottom""""    sys.exit(0)def cut_length(dictionary, key, factor):    cut_factor = 1-factor    cut = float(dictionary[key])*cut_factor    cut = cut / 4    return cutdef new_coords(dictionary, key, cut, margin, code = "tl"):    if code == "tl":        if key == "x":            return abs(float(dictionary[key])+(cut+margin["l"]))        else:            return abs(float(dictionary[key])-(cut+margin["t"]))    elif code == "tr":        if key == "x":            return abs(float(dictionary[key])-(cut+margin["r"]))        else:            return abs(float(dictionary[key])-(cut+margin["t"]))    elif code == "bl":        if key == "x":            return abs(float(dictionary[key])+(cut+margin["l"]))        else:            return abs(float(dictionary[key])+(cut+margin["b"]))    else:        if key == "x":            return abs(float(dictionary[key])-(cut+margin["r"]))        else:            return abs(float(dictionary[key])+(cut+margin["b"]))try:    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "sp:i:o:m:", ["skip", "percent=", "input=", "output=", "margin="])except getopt.GetoptError, err:        # print help information and exit:        print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"        usage()        sys.exit(2)skipone = 0for a in opts[:]:    if a[0] == '-s' or a[0]=='--skip':        skipone = 1factor = 0.8 #default scaling factorfor a in opts[:]:    if a[0] == '-p' or a[0]=='--factor':        if a[1] != None:            try:                factor = float(a[1])            except TypeError:                print "Factor must be a number."                sys.exit(2) #exit if no appropriate input fileinput_file = None #no defualt input filefor a in opts[:]:    if a[0] == '-i' or a[0]=='--input':        if a[1] != None:            try:                if a[1][-4:]=='.pdf':                    input_file = a[1]                else:                    print "Input file must be a PDF."                    sys.exit(2) #exit if no appropriate input file            except TypeError:                print "Input file must be a PDF."                sys.exit(2) #exit if no appropriate input file            except IndexError:                print "Input file must be a PDF."                sys.exit(2) #exit if no appropriate input file        else:            print "Please speicfy an input file."            sys.exit(2) #exit if no appropriate input fileoutput_file = "%s_cropped.pdf" %input_file[:-4] #default outputfor a in opts[:]:    if a[0] == '-o' or a[0]=='--output':         if a[1]!= None:            try:                if a[1][-4:]=='.pdf':                    output_file = a[1]                else:                    print "Output file must be a PDF."            except TypeError:                print "Output file must be a PDF."            except IndexError:                print "Output file must be a PDF."margin = {"l": 0, "t": 0, "r": 0, "b": 0}for a in opts[:]:    if a[0] == '-m' or a[0]=='--margin':        if a[1]!= None:            m_temp = a[1].strip("\"").split()            margin["l"] = float(m_temp[0])            margin["t"] = float(m_temp[1])            margin["r"] = float(m_temp[2])            margin["b"] = float(m_temp[3])        else:            print "Error"input1 = PdfFileReader(file(input_file, "rb"))output = PdfFileWriter()outputstream = file(output_file, "wb")pages = input1.getNumPages()top_right = {'x': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getUpperRight_x(), 'y': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()}top_left = {'x': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getUpperLeft_x(), 'y': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getUpperLeft_y()}bottom_right = {'x': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getLowerRight_x(), 'y': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getLowerRight_y()}bottom_left = {'x': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getLowerLeft_x(), 'y': input1.getPage(1).mediaBox.getLowerLeft_y()}print('Page dim.\t%f by %f' %(top_right['x'], top_right['y']))cut = cut_length(top_right, 'x', factor)new_tr = (new_coords(top_right, 'x', cut, margin, code = "tr"), new_coords(top_right, 'y', cut, margin, code = "tr"))new_br = (new_coords(bottom_right, 'x', cut, margin, code = "br"), new_coords(bottom_right, 'y', cut, margin, code = "br" ))new_tl = (new_coords(top_left, 'x', cut, margin, code = "tl"), new_coords(top_left, 'y', cut, margin, code = "tl"))new_bl = (new_coords(bottom_left, 'x', cut, margin, code = "bl"), new_coords(bottom_left, 'y', cut, margin, code = "bl"))if skipone == 0:    for i in range(0, pages):        page = input1.getPage(i)        page.mediaBox.upperLeft = new_tl        page.mediaBox.upperRight = new_tr        page.mediaBox.lowerLeft = new_bl        page.mediaBox.lowerRight = new_br        output.addPage(page)else:    for i in range(1, pages):        page = input1.getPage(i)        page.mediaBox.upperLeft = new_tl        page.mediaBox.upperRight = new_tr        page.mediaBox.lowerLeft = new_bl        page.mediaBox.lowerRight = new_br        output.addPage(page)output.write(outputstream)outputstream.close()
