python操作sqlite3数据库完全代码,pythonsqlite3,# Name: pySn

# Name: Author: pantuts# Email: Description: Saving your snippets to sqlite3 database.# Agreement: You can use, modify, or redistribute this tool under# the terms of GNU General Public License (GPLv3).# This tool is for educational purposes only. Any damage you make will not affect the author.# first run: python!/usr/bin/pythonimport argparseimport sqlite3import reimport sys# important, create the filefileN = open('database.db', 'a+')def main():    # add all arguments needed    # for argument that need FILE use [ type=argparse.FileType('r') ]    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=None, usage='python %(prog)s -h --help -f file -s search -a \'title\' \'code here\' -e id -d id -v --version')    parser.add_argument('-f', metavar='filename', type=argparse.FileType('r'), dest='filename', help='File for database')    parser.add_argument('-s', metavar='string', dest='search', help='Search for string in database')    parser.add_argument('-a', metavar='string', dest='add', nargs=2, help='Add snippet. You should use \'\' for long string')    parser.add_argument('-e', metavar='id', type=int, dest='edit', help='Edit snippet')    parser.add_argument('-d', metavar='id', type=int, dest='delete', help='Delete from database')    parser.add_argument('-S', dest='show', action='store_true', help='Show all records')    parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0', help='Print version')    # parse all arguments to 'args'    args = parser.parse_args()    # database connection    conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db')    cur = conn.cursor()    def createTable():        cmd = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS snippets (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, title VARCHAR(50), code VARCHAR NOT NULL)'        cur.execute(cmd)        conn.commit()    def insertSnippets():        # convert the string to lowercase and then execute        lst = [args.add[0].lower() , args.add[1].lower()]        cmd = 'INSERT INTO snippets VALUES (NULL, ?, ?)'        cur.execute(cmd, lst)        conn.commit()        print('\nNew Snippet...')        print('Snippet Title: \t%s' % args.add[0])        print('Code: \t\t%s' % args.add[1])    def editSnippets():        cur.execute('SELECT * FROM snippets where id=%s' % str(args.edit))        res = cur.fetchone()        if res is None:            print('No record to edit!')        else:            resl = [result for result in res]            print('Current title >> ' + resl[1])            ed1 = input('Title (Leave black, same title): ')            print('Current snippet >> ' + resl[2])            ed2 = input('Code: ')            if ed1 is '':                ed1 = resl[1]            cur.executemany('UPDATE snippets SET title=\'%s\', code=\'%s\' WHERE id=?' % (ed1.lower(), ed2.lower()), str(resl[0]))            conn.commit()            print('Done!\n')    def deleteSnippets():        print('\nDeleting record with ID %s ...' % str(args.delete))        # first find if record exists and return false if not found        cur.execute('SELECT * FROM snippets where id=%s' % str(args.delete))        res = cur.fetchone()        if res is None:            print('No record to delete!')        else:            cmd = 'DELETE FROM snippets where id=%s' % str(args.delete)            cur.execute(cmd)            conn.commit()            print('Deleted!\n')    def showOrSearch(cmd):        # creating conn.create_function explanation: 1st(string to be used inside SQL), 2nd(count of arguments), 3rd(the function created)        def matchPattern(pattern, columnName):            pat = re.compile(pattern)            return is not None        conn.create_function('matchPattern', 2, matchPattern)        if cmd == 2:            cur.execute('SELECT * FROM snippets WHERE matchPattern(\'%s\', title)' % str(        else:            cmd = 1            cur.execute('SELECT * FROM snippets')        res = cur.fetchall()        # create empty dict, process filter keys and values        s = {'id':{}, 'title':{}, 'code':{}}        print('\nRecords result...')        for result in res:            s['id'] = result[0]            s['title'] = result[1]            s['code'] = result[2]            print('[%s]\t[ %s ]---------->[ %s ]\n' % (s['id'], s['title'], s['code']))    # invoke creation of table    createTable()    if len(sys.argv) < 1:        parser.print_help()    # do filtering when -f 'filename' is correct    if args.filename is not None:        if            if args.add or args.delete or or args.edit:                print('\nYou can\'t use other options with -S option')                exit()            else:                args.add = None                args.delete = None       = None                args.edit = None                showOrSearch(1)        elif args.edit:            if args.add or args.delete or                print('\nYou can\'t use other options with -e option')                exit()            else:       = None                args.add = None                args.delete = None                editSnippets()        else:            if args.add is None and args.delete is None and is None:                print('\n!!!!!You need to specify addional arguments to process the database!!!!!\n')                parser.print_help()            if                args.edit = None                            showOrSearch(2)            if args.add:                args.edit = None       = None                              insertSnippets()            if args.delete:       = None                args.edit = None                deleteSnippets()    else:        parser.print_help()    # close our connection to the database    conn.commit()    conn.close()    def by():    print('\n[Script by: pantuts]')    print('[email:]')if __name__=="__main__":    main()    # close our file    fileN.close()
