
[Python]代码: 用Python在windows命令行输出彩色字符

#coding: utf8#代码用途:用Python在windows命令行输出彩色字符#作者:半瓶墨水 发表于 http://byrx.net/import sys, osif os.name != 'nt':   print "This module only can be used under windows"   sys.exit()try:   from ctypes import *except:   print 'I need module ctypes'   sys.exit()try:   from win32con import *except:   print 'I need module win32con'   sys.exit()# command colorscc_map = {    'default'      :0,    'black'        :1,    'blue'         :2,    'green'        :3,    'cyan'         :4,    'red'          :5,    'magenta'      :6,    'brown'        :7,    'lightgray'    :8,    'darkgray'     :9,    'lightblue'    :10,    'lightgreen'   :11,    'lightcyan'    :12,    'lightred'     :13,    'lightmagenta' :14,    'yellow'       :15,    'white'        :16,};CloseHandle = windll.kernel32.CloseHandleGetStdHandle = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandleGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoSetConsoleTextAttribute = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttributeSTD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11class COORD(Structure):   _fields_ = [('X', c_short),               ('Y', c_short),              ]class SMALL_RECT(Structure):   _fields_ = [('Left', c_short),               ('Top', c_short),               ('Right', c_short),               ('Bottom', c_short),              ]class CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(Structure):   _fields_ = [('dwSize', COORD),               ('dwCursorPosition', COORD),               ('wAttributes', c_uint),               ('srWindow', SMALL_RECT),               ('dwMaximumWindowSize', COORD),              ]def print_cc(fore_color, back_color, text):    if not (cc_map.has_key(fore_color) and            cc_map.has_key(back_color)):        #color not found        print >>stderr, fore_color, back_lolor, " are invalid color strings"        return    #prepare    hconsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)    cmd_info = CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO()    GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hconsole, byref(cmd_info))    old_color = cmd_info.wAttributes    #calculate colors    fore = cc_map[fore_color]    if fore: fore = fore - 1    else: fore = old_color & 0x0F    back = cc_map[back_color]    if back: back = (back - 1) << 4    else: back = old_color & 0xF0    #real output    SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsole, fore + back)    print text,    SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsole, old_color)if __name__ == "__main__":    #let's print the color matrix    #first line    print("  Color map:")    keys = [key for key in cc_map]    for i in range(11, -1, -1): #12 is the max len, "lightmagenta"        print " " * 20,        for j in range(0, 17):            k = keys[j]            l = len(k)            c = ' '            if l > i:                c = k[l - i - 1]            print(" %s" % c),        print    #lines with color and background cresponding to i & j    for fc in keys:        print "        %12s " % fc,         for bc in keys:            print_cc(fc, bc, ":)")        print
