

###################################################################################################################    import os    import sys    class Daemonize:        """ 创建守护进程的基类 """        def daemonize(self):            try:                #this process would create a parent and a child                pid = os.fork()                if pid > 0:                    # take care of the first parent                    sys.exit(0)            except OSError, err:                sys.stderr.write("Fork 1 has failed --> %d--[%s]\n" % (err.errno,                                                                  err.strerror))                sys.exit(1)            #change to root            os.chdir('/')            #detach from terminal            os.setsid()            # file to be created ?            os.umask(0)            try:                # this process creates a parent and a child                pid = os.fork()                if pid > 0:                    print "Daemon process pid %d" % pid                    #bam                    sys.exit(0)            except OSError, err:                sys.stderr.write("Fork 2 has failed --> %d--[%s]\n" % (err.errno,                                                                  err.strerror))                sys.exit(1)            sys.stdout.flush()            sys.stderr.flush()        def start_daemon(self):            self.daemonize()            self.run_daemon()        def run_daemon(self):        """override"""            pass###################################################################################################################    from Daemonize import Daemonize    from email.MIMEText import MIMEText    import os    import smtplib    from smtplib import SMTPException    import time     class WatchFile(Daemonize):        def __init__(self, file_path, size_limit=15728640):            self.file = os.path.realpath(file_path)            print '---'            assert os.path.isfile(self.file), '%s does not exist' % self.file            print '+++'            self.userhome = os.getenv('HOME')            self.smtpserver = '*your-host*'            self.recipient_list = ['recipient@domain']            self.sender = 'sender@domain'            self.file_size_limit = size_limit            self.email_body = os.path.join(self.userhome, 'email-msg.txt')            self.interval = 3600            self.log_file = os.path.join(self.userhome, 'inboxlog.txt')        def send_an_email(self):           """Method to send email to the recipients"""           email_body = open(self.email_body, 'r').read()           msg = MIMEText(email_body)           msg['Subject'] = 'Your email inbox has exceeded size !'           msg['From'] = 'Inbox WatchDog'           msg['Reply-to'] = None           msg['To'] = self.recipient_list           session_obj = smtplib.SMTP()           session_obj.connect(self.smtpserver)           try:               session_obj.sendmail(self.sender, self.recipient_list, msg.as_string())           except SMTPException:                print "Unable to send emails."           finally:               session_obj.close()        def watch(self):            """Method to watch your inbox. This also logs the time when your                inbox was last checked."""            current_file_size = os.path.getsize(self.file)            if current_file_size > self.file_size_limit:                self.send_an_email()            f = open(self.log_file, 'a')            f.write('Last checked on : %s' % time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))            f.write('\n')            f.close()        def run_daemon(self):            """Over ridden method from Daemonize.This starts the daemon."""            while 1:                      time.sleep(self.interval)    if __name__ == '__main__':        watchdog = WatchFile('path-to-your-inbox')        watchdog.start_daemon()

