
纯python新手写的关于下载百度空间文章python源码,代码写的不好,能用不能看。大家看看效果就行, 不要求代码的精简程度。大牛请飘过。

在cmd中输入:> python "F:\Walkbox\Python\mywork\baidu\getArticleId - r1.py" bspeng922 6
命令格式:python 文件存放路径 [用户名] [下载页数]



# -*- coding: utf8 -*-import urllibimport re,os,sys,timedef articleDownload(username,pageCount):    #判断传入的参数是否合法    if username == "" : username = "bspeng922"    if pageCount == "" or int(pageCount)<0 :        pageCount = 0    else:        pageCount = int(pageCount) + 1    print "Blog: http://hi.baidu.com/new/%s"%username    #文件保存目录,可修改    saveDrive = "E:\\test"  #directory to save html files    #html文件保存目录    if not os.path.exists(saveDrive) :        os.mkdir(saveDrive)        mydrive = os.path.join(saveDrive,username)    if not os.path.exists(mydrive) :        os.mkdir(mydrive)            #图片保存目录    imgDir = "img"    imgPath = os.path.join(saveDrive,username,imgDir)    if not os.path.exists(imgPath):        os.mkdir(imgPath)    #判断传入的页数是否为0,为0则全部下载    if pageCount == 0 :        fstbaidu = urllib.urlopen("http://hi.baidu.com/new/%s"%username)            totalRecord,pagesize=0,0            for fstline in fstbaidu:                    if fstline.find("allCount")>0:  #only one tag                totalRecord = int(fstline[fstline.index("'")+1:fstline.rindex("'")])            if fstline.find("pageSize")>0:                pagesize = int(fstline[fstline.index("'")+1:fstline.rindex("'")])                if pagesize != 0 and totalRecord != 0:                pageCount = totalRecord/pagesize                if totalRecord / float(pagesize) > totalRecord/pagesize:                    pageCount = pageCount + 2                fstbaidu.close()    print "Page Count: ",pageCount - 1         #根据文章ID获得文章实际链接    articleCount = 0        sumHtmlPath = os.path.join(saveDrive,"%s.html"%username)    sumfile = open(sumHtmlPath,"w") #the sum file    aTagCmp = re.compile("""<a href="/%s/item/([\w]*?)" class="a-incontent a-title cs-contentblock-hoverlink" target=_blank>(.*?)</a>"""%username)    for page in range(1,pageCount):        thisPageUrl = urllib.urlopen("http://hi.baidu.com/new/%s?page=%d"%(username,page))        print "Page: ",page            for line in thisPageUrl:            if line.find("a-incontent a-title")>0 :                articleCount += 1    #博客文章数目                linefind = aTagCmp.findall(line)                #print linefind                            for line in linefind :                    #文章的ID和名称                    myurl = line[0]                    mytitle = line[1]                    sumfile.write("""<a href='%s\\%s.html' target='blank'>%s</a><br>"""%(username,myurl,mytitle))                    #获得真实的文章,并保存                    thispath = os.path.join(mydrive,"%s.html"%myurl)                    thisfile = open(thispath,'w')                                        thisArticle = urllib.urlopen("http://hi.baidu.com/%s/item/%s"%(username,myurl))                    for thisline in thisArticle:                        imgCount = 0                        badImg = 0                                                if thisline.find("content-head clearfix")>0:    #只取正文                            #匹配图片标签                            imgTagCmp = re.compile("""<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?>""")                            imglist = imgTagCmp.findall(thisline)                            for imglink in imglist :                                imageNewPath = ""                                #print imglink                                if imglink.find("""://""")>0:                                    imageName = imglink[imglink.rindex("/")+1:]                                    #下载图片                                    try:                                        urllib.urlretrieve(imglink,os.path.join(imgPath,imageName))                                        imgCount += 1                                    except :    #不能下载则报错                                        print "cannot download this image: "+imageName                                    #替换图片链接                                    imageNewPath = """<img src="%s/%s" />"""%(imgDir,imageName)                                    thisImgCmp = re.compile("""<img width="\d{1,4}" height="\d{1,4}" src="http://.*?/%s" />|<img src="http://.*?/%s" small="0" />|<img src="http://.*?/%s" />|<img small="0" src="http://.*?/%s" />"""%(imageName,imageName,imageName,imageName))                                    #print imageNewPath                                                                        try:                                        #print thisImgCmp.findall(thisline)                                        thisline = thisImgCmp.sub(imageNewPath,thisline) #每次都对当前图片标签进行替换                                        #print thisline                                    except:                                        print "UnExpect error"                                else:#www.iplaypy.com                                    badImg += 1                                                                #删除多余的内容                            pos = thisline.find("mod-post-info clearfix")                            if pos>0 :                                thisline = thisline[0:pos-12]                            thisfile.write(thisline.strip())                                    thisfile.close()                    thisArticle.close()                    #print "Image Count: %d  Bad Image: %d"%(imgCount, badImg)        thisPageUrl.close()    sumfile.close()    print "Article Count: ",articleCountif __name__ == "__main__":    st = time.time()    #获得命令行参数    if len(sys.argv) == 2:        uname = sys.argv[1]        pages = 0    elif len(sys.argv)>2:        uname = sys.argv[1]        pages = int(sys.argv[2])+1    else:        uname = raw_input("Username -> ")        pages = raw_input("Page -> ")        articleDownload(uname,pages)    et = time.time()    print "Time used: %0.2fs"%(et-st)    

