python参数Sample Code,python参数,import tim

import timeimport datetimeimport getoptimport systry:    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:", ["inputOCR=", "inputSpeech="])  except getopt.GetoptError:     print (‘Getopt Error!‘)   sys.exit(1)   for name, value in opts:    if name in ("-o"):          outPath = value        print(outPath)    elif name in ("--inputOCR"):        inputOCRPath = value        print(inputOCRPath)    elif name in ("--inputSpeech"):        inputSpeechPath = value        print(inputSpeechPath)## cut contents to three parts[begin time] [end time] [txt]def SplitFStr(strT):    mm = []    strT = strT[1:] #cut out str first char to end    mm = strT.split(‘]‘, 2)    listN = mm[0].split(‘-‘, 2)    listN.append(mm[1])    return listNdef mapper(line):    pos = line.find(‘]‘)    return "%s%s%s" % (line[0:pos+1], ‘[OCR]‘, line[pos+1:])try:    ListContents = []    file = open(inputSpeechPath, ‘r+‘)    ListContents = file.readlines()    file.close()    file = open(inputOCRPath, ‘r+‘)    ListContentOCR = file.readlines()    file.close()    for item in ListContentOCR:        itemT = mapper(item)        ListContents.append(itemT)     ListTotal = []    for litem in ListContents:        listC = SplitFStr(litem)        t1 = time.strptime(listC[0], "%H:%M:%S")        dictE = {‘time‘:t1, ‘txt‘:litem}        ListTotal.append(dictE)    def TimeSort(t):       return t[‘time‘]    ListSort = sorted(ListTotal, key = TimeSort)      fp = open(outPath, ‘w+‘)    for lsitem in ListSort:        fp.write(lsitem[‘txt‘])    fp.close()except IOError as err:    print(‘File IO error: ‘ + str(err))

python参数Sample Code
