python编写的简单RPG游戏流程代码,python编写rpg流程,#RPGrpg = Tr

#RPGrpg = Truewhp = 100mahp = 100hhp = 100MHP = 10def dgrnd () :  wa = raw_input ("What does Warrior do?")  ma = raw_input ("What does Mage do?")  ha = raw_input ("What does Healer do?")  if wa == "flame slash" :    print ("Warrior uses Flame Slash!")    MHP-20  elif wa == "Dragon Slash" and M == "Dragon" :    print ("Warrior used Dragon Slash!")    MHP-80  if wa == "Dragon" and M == "Troll" or M == "Goblin" :    print ("Warrior's attack did no damage!")  if ma == "icicle drop" :    print ("Mage used Icicle Drop")    MHP-15    mahp-10    whp-10    hhp-10  if ma == "flames of heck" :    MHP-75    mahp-50    wph-50    hhp-50  if ha == "heal warrior" :    print ("Healer Heals Warrior!")    whp + 20  if ha == "heal mage" :    print ("Healer Heals Mage!")    mahp  + 20  if ha == "heal healer" :    print ("Healer Heals Healer!")    hhp + 20  if ha == "attack" :    print ("Healer Attacks!")    MHP - 5    print (M+"attacks!")  if M == "dragon" :    whp - 40    mahp - 40    hhp - 40  if M == "Troll" :    whp - 30    mahp - 30    hhp - 30  if M == "Goblin" :    whp - 20    mahp - 20    hhp -20  print ("Warrior has "+whp+" HP left, Mage has "+mahp+" HP left, and Healer has "+hhp+" HP left!")  if MHP == 0 :    print ("You defeated the "+M+" !")    print ("That is all I have built so far. Eventually, there will be more!")    print ("Thank You for Playing!!")    dgrnd ()if rpg == True :  print ("This mode is not yet complete. It only contains a dungeon so far. I'm still working on the rest.")#Dungeon  whp = 100  mahp = 100  hhp = 100  MHP = 10  M = "fail"  print ("You enter the dungeon")  rm = raw_input ("There are three passages. Do you take the first one, the second one, or the third one?")  if rm == 'one' :    M = 'Troll'    MHP = 80    print ("A "+M+" appears!")  if rm == 'two' :    M = 'Goblin'    MHP = 35    print ("A "+M+" appears!")  if rm == 'three' :    M = 'Dragon'    MHP = 120    print ("A "+M+" appears!")  while MHP > 0 :    dgrnd ()
