

#! /usr/bin/pythonimport threadingimport Queueimport timeimport sysInstance = Nonedef getInstance():    global Instance    if not Instance:        Instance = ThreadPool()    return Instanceclass ThreadPool:    def __init__(self,maxWorkers = 10):        self.tasks = Queue.Queue()        self.workers = 0        self.working = 0        self.maxWorkers = maxWorkers        self.allKilled = threading.Event()        self.countLock = threading.RLock()        self.timers = {}        self.timersLock = threading.Lock()        self.timersThreadLock = threading.Lock()        self.timersEvent = threading.Event()        self.allKilled.set()    def run(self,target,callback = None, *args, **kargs):        """ starts task.            target = callable to run with *args and **kargs arguments.            callback = callable executed when target ends                       callback sould accept one parameter where target's                       return value is passed.                       If callback is None it's ignored.        """        self.countLock.acquire()        if not self.workers:            self.addWorker()        self.countLock.release()        self.tasks.put((target,callback,args,kargs))    def setMaxWorkers(self,num):        """ Sets the maximum workers to create.            num = max workers                  If number passed is lower than active workers                   it will kill workers to match that number.         """        self.countLock.acquire()        self.maxWorkers = num        if self.workers > self.maxWorkers:            self.killWorker(self.workers - self.maxWorkers)        self.countLock.release()    def addWorker(self,num = 1):        """ Add workers.            num = number of workers to create/add.        """        for x in xrange(num):            self.countLock.acquire()            self.workers += 1            self.allKilled.clear()            self.countLock.release()                    t = threading.Thread(target = self.__workerThread)            t.setDaemon(True)            t.start()    def killWorker(self,num = 1):        """ Kill workers.            num = number of workers to kill.        """        self.countLock.acquire()        if num > self.workers:            num = self.workers        self.countLock.release()        for x in xrange(num):            self.tasks.put("exit")                def killAllWorkers(self,wait = None):        """ Kill all active workers.            wait = seconds to wait until last worker ends                   if None it waits forever.        """        self.countLock.acquire()        self.killWorker(self.workers)        self.countLock.release()        self.allKilled.wait(wait)    def __workerThread(self):        while True:            task = self.tasks.get()            # exit is "special" tasks to kill thread            if task == "exit":                break            self.countLock.acquire()            self.working += 1            if (self.working >= self.workers) and (self.workers < self.maxWorkers): # create thread on demand                self.addWorker()            self.countLock.release()            fun,cb,args,kargs = task            try:                ret = fun(*args,**kargs)                if cb:                    cb(ret)            except:                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()                            self.countLock.acquire()            self.working -= 1            self.countLock.release()                        self.countLock.acquire()        self.workers -= 1        if not self.workers:            self.allKilled.set()        self.countLock.release()    def timer(self, cb, period):        """ Add or remove timers.            cb = callback function.            period = period in seconds (float)                     if period is 0 timer is deleted.        """, None, cb, period)     def __timerThread(self, cb, period):        self.timersLock.acquire()        self.timersEvent.set()        if not period:            if cb in self.timers:                del(self.timers[cb])            self.timersLock.release()            return        self.timers[cb] = [period,time.time()]            self.timersLock.release()        if not self.timersThreadLock.acquire(0):            return        while True:            self.timersLock.acquire()            if len(self.timers) == 0:                self.timersThreadLock.release()                self.timersLock.release()                break            minWait = 30*24*3600            now = time.time()            for k,v in self.timers.items():                period, last = v                wait = period - (now - last)                if wait <=0:                              wait = period                    v[1] = now                if wait < minWait:                    minWait = wait            self.timersLock.release()            self.timersEvent.wait(minWait)            self.timersEvent.clear()         

这个线程池类可以根据需要自动增加线程。你只需要实现run()方法,通过setMaxWorkers() 和killAllWorkers()控制线程即可。
